Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.

Week 8

Prep L


For being a curious learner who is always asking questions to clarify meaning, making connections and going deeper in his learning by finding out new information. Ezra took his learning to the next level during Maths last week by searching for all kind of prisms and categorising them all into like features. Well done Ezra, stay curious! 

Prep N


For being a resilient learner who has bravely joined our learning community every morning.  Bella, continues to put all her effort into managing her emotions, making and maintaining friendships and being ready for learning tasks.  Great start to prep Bella



For being a motivated learner who is trying her best to remain on task throughout the day. Rhea is persisting at tasks and is now seeking teacher support when needed to ensure the tasks can be completed within the given timeframe! Well done Rhea! 



For always being a collaborative learner who is committed to making our classroom a safe space for mistakes and learning. Marlee continues to be an effective leader in our classroom by supporting, guiding and encouraging everyone around her. Thank you, Marlee, for the positive attitude and big smile you bring to school each day. 



For being a curious learner. Jett has applied out of the box thinking in all areas of number in Maths sessions. He can investigate 4 digits and interpret these on a numberline using the strategy 10 more/ 100 more and 10 less/ 100 less. 



For being a motivated learner who is having a go at all tasks and who contributed some great answers in a small group maths workshop last week. Keep up the great learning, Lam.



For being a collaborative learner who steps in and helps her classmates when they need it. You are a great leader and role model for the grade 3 students as you are always doing the right thing. Keep it up Ciara!


Mia W

For being a resilient learner who is courageous and brave. When faced with challenges, Mia takes her time to stop and think. She seeks help if she needs it. Well done Mia! 



For being a resilient learner who has been working hard on his tasks and collaborating with his peers in the class. Keep up the good work Kiran. 



For being a reflective learner during our Grammar in Context unit. You engaged with the text and reflected deeply on its meaning. This was demonstrated clearly in your text responses where you identified strong connections to the text and clearly explained these through written and illustrated responses. Keep up the fantastic work Aviela!



For being a collaborative learner, who has worked extremely well with his Prep buddy.   You have listened and made conversation, and supported your buddy in his learning.  You have worked very effectively as a team, and demonstrated cooperation and kindness!  Well done Finlay!

Julie (Sustainability)



For being a collaborative learner who showed leadership in his group when sorting images of rubbish into the correct bin.  He reflected on the task and made accurate changes.  Thanks Louis for your collaboration and support in Sustainability.

Nick (PE)

Harley (3 / 4)

For being a resilient athlete who showed courage when falling. You got back up and finished the race. Keep up the great work Harley.