Senior School News
Each year students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) are recognized at the Premier’s VCE Awards. The award ceremony was held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15 May. Fiona Yu and Sehra Aladin were presented with their awards by the Minister of Education, the Hon James Merlino, MP.
These are prestigious awards and to achieve at this level, Fiona and Sehra have performed at the very top of the state. Fiona received her award for her outstanding achievement in Maths Methods and Sehra for her outstanding achievement in Business Management. Both students received a perfect study score of 50.
It was a pleasure for Mr Andrew Watson, Ms Andrea Carron and myself to attend the Premier’s Awards to see Fiona and Sehra receive this prestigious award. Both girls have our sincere congratulations on this outstanding achievement and our best wishes for their university studies this year – Fiona in the science area and Sehra in Law.
On Monday 14 May, Frankston High School was invited to send a student representative to the unveiling of a new ‘Landmark Initiative’ at Melbourne University. Frankston High School was represented by one of our high-achieving Year 11 students, Matthew Van Wijk.
Melbourne University’s announcement was the building of a new student residence, and a scholarship program for students for the next 40 years, funded by a $30 million donation from Paul Little and Jane Hanson. Thank you to Acting Year 11 Coordinator Mr Aaron Elias for recommending Matthew and attending this event.
Congratulations and a huge thank you to our Careers Practitioner, Mrs Carolyn Walsh, for organising a very successful Tertiary Expo on Tuesday 1 May. Mrs Walsh successfully secured an array of tertiary institutions to attend including: University of Melbourne, Monash University, Australian Catholic University, RMIT University, Chisholm Institute, Deakin University, JMC Academy, La Trobe University, Swinburne University, and Victoria University. This important event enabled students and families to meet with representatives from the institutions and gain valuable information on tertiary courses and pathways post Year 12. The positive feedback received from students and parents highlights the success of this afternoon.
Congratulations to all who attended the Debutante Ball on Friday 11 May. Paul Edbrooke MP, Member for Frankston, and Karen McCallum, Electorate Officer, received our Debutantes on the night and complimented our students on their beautiful presentation and behaviour.
Our students were a credit to the school and their behaviour was exemplary. It was wonderful to see so many parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents and friends dancing the night away with our Year 11 students.
Congratulations and thank you to Ms Mindy Fischer for the organisation of the Deb Ball. Thank you also to the staff who supervised dance practice and assisted on the day/night, for their contribution to the Ball’s success. A special thank you to Mr Aaron Elias and Ms Clare Challenger who introduced the students on the night.
I would like to thank the management and staff of the Brighton International for providing such a wonderful venue for our Debutante Ball. For many of our students, the Debutante Ball is one of the highlights of their time at Frankston High School.
Year 10 students who are interested in applying for the Monash Scholars Program should see me for further details. Applications are based on students’ academic ability, leadership qualities and contribution to school and community life. All applications must have a school endorsement. The benefits of the Monash Scholars Program include: enhanced learning, exploring career ambitions, defining personal aspirations, preparation for university life and building networks with other high-achieving students. Applications opened on Tuesday 1 May and close on Monday 28 May.
I would like to remind parents and students of the attendance policy in the senior school. Seven unexcused absences in a study and/or fifteen absences in a study results in an N result for that study. Students must ensure all absences are annotated by the Coordinators or office staff on the absence card in their diary. Students must also ensure this is shown to all of their classroom teachers. In order for the absence to be excused, parents/guardians must provide a note with a specific reason for the absence: illness, funeral, etc.
A reminder to students and parents that the end of semester is Friday 8 June. All Year 11 and Year 12 studies will have an end of semester examination. Timetables will be distributed shortly.
The Year 11 examination period is from 12 June to 22 June.
The Year 12 examination period is from 12 June to 22 June and the Year 12 exams will be held outside of class time.
Students must have a study/revision timetable in place and consistently review their class notes in preparation for these examinations. Any students who would like assistance with study skills are most welcome to contact one of the Year Level Coordinators, Ms Kirsten Bakker, or myself for assistance.
All students who are studying a Unit 3 and 4 (Year 12) subject are required to sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 13 June. There will be no timetabled Year 11 and Year 12 classes on this day.
I wish students all the best with their examinations.
Year 12 students:
Tuesday 12 June – Friday 22 June
Year 12 exams (outside of classtime)
Tuesday 12 June – Monday 18 June
There will be no Year 12 classes
Tuesday 19 June
Classes resume
Tuesday 19 June – Friday 22 June
Year 12 exams will be held after school
Friday 8 June
The last day for students to submit work for Unit 3
Wednesday 13 June
General Achievement Test (GAT)
There will be no formal Year 12 classes on this day
Thursday 14 June
Report Writing Day
Tuesday 19 June
Unit 4 commences