School News 

Senior Formal

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Kurnai Chess Competition

Last term the Kurnai Chess Competition took place in the library this week. Organised by Kerwin Valdez with the help of Jacob Dijamco, over 30 students who enjoy playing chess signed up to play.


There were some mighty battles and thrilling cut throat finishes but the ultimate checkmate champion was Eric Wang.

Congratulations and well done to the runners-up – Hannah Johnson (2nd), and Andrew Tyrrell & Archie Reilly (=3rd). 


PARTY Program Excursion

On Thursday 11th of November, the Year 12 VCE Vm students attended the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) Program at Latrobe Regional Hospital (LRH).


The PARTY Program is an internationally recognised dynamic and interactive injury awareness and prevention program that uses vivid clinical reality to show participants the possible consequences of risk-taking behaviour. With the program taking place in a hospital-simulated environment, the student were provided with information to help them recognise potential injury-producing situations, make prevention oriented choices, and adopt behaviours to minimise risk.


The students circulated through a number of rotations where they were able to engage with emergency services professionals, doctors, nurses, allied health practitioners, and people who have experienced trauma and survived - often with significant disabilities. The working hospital environment provides participants with an authentic experience. This allows insight into the many consequences patients, families, and health professionals face as a result of risk-related trauma. 



Victoria Police Road Safety Expo

On Thursday 11th of May, all Year 11 students attended the Road Safety Expo facilitated by the Gippsland Road Safety Council, TAC, Latrobe City Council, Berry Street, SES, Ambulance Victoria and the Victorian Road Safety Policing Unit. 


The students were presented and demonstrated with evidence-based information regarding young people to enable them to make better choices and decisions as drivers, partygoers, pub, club, schoolies and festival attendees - also for those who just enjoy a day trip to the beach, river, up the bush or a late night adventure to fast food drive-throughs or a friends/ families place. 


Heading off into a round-robin format, in small groups the students engaged in activities that built upon their awareness about distractions on the road, safely driving around trucks, first aid responder first aid, basic car maintenance, driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs - providing strategies to separate drink/drug life from driving, tired driving, preparing for parties/ festivals and other events. 


RMIT I Belong Camp

A small cohort of Year 10-12 Indigenous students attend the RMIT I Belong Camp last week.


I Belong endeavours to address many of the barriers to higher education that students endure. The students participated in a program that enhanced their knowledge about the entry of pathways to university course options and career opportunities. They discovered how you can attend University regardless of if they undertake VCE or VCE VM.


The students travelled down to Melbourne on the V-Line train where they begin their day at RMIT’s city campus getting a real feel for university life and the opportunities available.


Whilst at RMIT the students were engaged in a Media Program where they played the role of a T.V host using the auto scroll to prompt them what to say and explore the workings behind the camera. 


Later that afternoon the students visited the Old Melbourne Gaol where they were presented with a mock case and had to be involved by either portraying the Judge, Prosecutor, Defence and so forth. 


In the evening, the students experienced the hustle and bustle of Melbourne Central and had the free choice to purchase their dinner from the large variety of vendors, before enjoying a film at Hoyts cinema.


The following morning, the students went to RMIT, Bundoora Campus at Latrobe where they participated in the Scarred Tree Heritage Trail and joined in with Indigenous games. The students also engaged in a Health, Sport and Physical Education Workshop,  a Chinese Medicine workshop where they made their own acne cream and then went to an Osteopathy class.


In the evening, the students explore and immersed in the cultural experience of dining on Lygon Street. 


On the final day, the students attend the ACMI Exhibition – The Story of the Moving Image. They saw history in the making, viewing TVs from the 1960s to current. The students learned how the film industry has changed across the decades and the utilisation of storyboarding. The immersive experience also enabled the students to get involved with designing their own film posters.  


Tired and weary from their adventures, the students boarded the V-line train back to the Latrobe Valley enlightened with experiencing urban life and full of thought with thoughts of possibilities surrounding opportunities for further study beyond secondary school.