College News 

Message from the College Principal


Anthony Rodaughan
Anthony Rodaughan

G’day everyone, 

Another busy term is well underway and across the college, there is a busy agenda of activities.  Interschool sports, camps and excursions and visits to the Gippsland tech school are all keeping our school team busy and students engaged. 


At Kurnai College we work hard to ensure that all of our students feel valued and safe regardless of their ethnicity, their learning needs, or their gender orientation and we will continue to develop our learning in this space. Inclusive schools such as ours can nurture diversity, promote equity, and create a more tolerant and accepting society.


Inclusion enables every child to learn, achieve, and participate in all aspects of school life to the best of their abilities. It breaks down barriers and reduces discrimination, stigma, and prejudice. It fosters a climate of mutual respect, social justice, and belonging, where every student is valued and supported.


Our college has recently been recognised for our outstanding work in disability inclusion. This new initiative from the Education Department is allowing more targeted help for more of our students. The new initiative ‘Disability Inclusion’ is a strength-based approach that enables us all to focus on the achievements and skills of our students and build on their strengths to enable them to achieve across our college. 

This important work at Kurnai is being led by Assistant Principal Sarah Cohen supported by her Inclusion Specialist Team of Denise Cairnduff, Kara Thompson, Amanda Vosper, and Adele Zomer. This team has begun the big task of implementing this important initiative and as mentioned has been recognised for their excellent work. Their aim is to secure the support that every Kurnai College student needs to be a successful learner. 


Another aspect of our work to create a truly inclusive learning Community is the College Reconciliation Action Plan. This plan will be submitted for accreditation soon and supports and directs our work at every campus creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for our First Nations students.


Other work across our college involves the creation of a quiet place at our campuses for reflection and prayer for students requiring  access to such a space.

We will also continue to develop our learning and actions relating to supporting our students who identify as LGBQTIA+. 


As we like to say. Kurnai is a great school for all.

Thanks, everyone, 


 Anthony Rodaughan

 College Principal 




On Tuesday 25th of April, Student Leaders had the honour of representing Kurnai College at multiple ANZAC services that were held across the Latrobe Valley to pay our respects. 


424SQN Australian Air Force Cadets

Students of the 424SQN Australian Air Force Cadets started the day off at the dawn service at Port Albert before traveling onto the Latrobe Valley to attend services in Yinnar, Churchill, and then Morwell. 


University Campus

College Captains, Jazmine Sanders, William Bonnici, and Kerwin Valdez attended the Yinnar service, where the trio laid a wreath on behalf of Kurnai College.

Kerwin stated, "I really appreciated being part of the community and commemorating the ANZACs”. 

“The service was very informative, the primary school students hammered in crosses of significance which helped deepen my understanding of ANZAC day”, said Jazmine.

William had the privilege to play the Last Post at the ceremony.


Churchill Campus

Churchill Campus Vice School Captains, Robert Aarons and Zoe Woodward attended the  service held in Churchill, where they laid a floral wreath and then addressed the crowd reflecting on the importance of ANZAC day.

Bobby mentioned, “This was the first time I have gone to an ANZAC day service, and it was very interesting to hear all the stories that were told”.

 “It was an honour and a privilege to speak,” said Zoe.

Other students from the Churchill Campus were also present and participated in the band and flag-raising ceremony. Bobby and Zoe laid a wreath on behalf of Kurnai College.


Morwell Campus

Morwell Campus School captains, Kieran Webb and Ayla Schiavello attended the service held in Morwell where they laid a wreath on behalf of Kurnai College.


To see more photos from ANZAC Day services visit:


Music News

Easter in Yinnar Collaboration

Our musos finished off a busy term by performing at the Easter in Yinnar celebrations. Once again, our students did an amazing job in performing and representing our College. It was great to hear community members talk so positively about our students and see the support they show to our performing arts students. We would like to congratulate all the students on their tremendous effort. 


Grade 5 & 6 Awareness days

We welcomed our grade 5 & 6 students to our campus by providing some musical entertainment during lunchtime. The students had a great time singing and dancing this was the highlight of the day for many students.


Kurnai’s Got Talent

Auditions will begin this term at all campuses. Contestants will be required to present two items to the judges.


Mr Chris Gretton
Mr Chris Gretton

What to Learn a musical instrument?

For students wanting to learn a musical instrument, we have limited spaces available for brass & woodwind instruments. Please collect an expression of interest form from the general office, or speak to the College Music Coordinator, Mr Chris Gretton to find out more information.



Sports News

Gippsland Volleyball 

Last week, Kurnai College had an integrated Year 7 and integrated Year 8 team from the Churchill Campus and Morwell Campus representing the College at the Gippsland Volleyball held at Latrobe Leisure Centre in Morwell.


The Year 8s played against Leongatha S.C., Lake Entrance S.C. and Lowanna College. While the Year 7s played against Bass Coast College - Dudley Campus and Nagle College Bairnsdale.


While neither the teams came away with a win the students had fun participating and working together as a team while upholding the school's pillars; engagement, excellence, relationships, and work ethic.



Senior/Intermediate Girls Football

Today, Friday 12th of May Kurnai College's Senior/Intermediate Girls Football team participated in the Wellington District Interschool Football in Sale. The team played against Catholic College Sale and Lavalla Catholic College. Despite their best fighting efforts they unfortunately lost both games. Regardless the girls show tremendous sportsmanship and should be proud of the way in which they represented Kurnai College and themselves.  


School Values

Kurnai College’s four pillars underpin all aspects of our work.