3/4 News

Our First Day: 

We were excited to be back. The night before I had already packed my things and it was hard to sleep. It was strange coming back to school when we hadn’t been here for so long. It was a good feeling too because we hadn’t seen each other for so long except through screens.


The first thing we did was some mindful colouring of aliens. We did circle time on the playground and talked about remote learning and played our special games. We made snowflakes to help us learn about symmetry and we also watched some videos about the Mars Rover. It was the best first day ever!  


By Charli and Heinz 


The Rest of the Week: 

After remote learning for the last 2 terms, we loved coming back to school to see the new playground area. We have a new sandpit which is much bigger than the older one, a tee-pee where we can sit and talk to our friends and also a pretend campfire where we can sit and share stories. We’ve really liked exploring the new space. 


In our unit of inquiry lessons this week, we have been learning more about the Moon and Mars and we read about the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong. We also had a chance to design our very own Mars buggy that would transport people across the surface of Mars (if this was safe of course).  


In preparation for Book Week, next week, we got to design our own ‘Curious Creatures, with Wild Minds’ poster which we will enter into the whole-school competition next week. It was really fun to make these with our friends and to use our creative imaginations.


We’ve been very good with our handwashing and hand hygiene since we’ve come back to school. It’s been quite easy to get back into the routines of washing our hands because we practiced this a lot at home during remote learning and when we did return to school for a few weeks in term 2. We wash our hands before and after eating and when we come back up from playtime. We also make sure that our hands are sanitized as we arrive at school and before we go home at the end of the day. We’ve also had a reminder about sneezing into our elbows, if we do need to sneeze to make sure we are not spreading any germs. 


By Curtis and Bette