1/2 News

We have had a wonderful first week back. It has been fantastic getting to meet our friends and learning with them again. We have been caring and kind to those round us at play time and during our learning tasks. We have had a big wellbeing focus with lots of collaborative activities to develop our communication and team work skills. We have been exploring our emotions and feelings through stories and wellbeing activities.


We followed instructions and used our problem-solving skills to make boats. We showed how persistent we can be and we worked as part of teams to help each other out to make our boats.


We then used this to watch our breathing during our meditation and mindfulness time.


In reading, we have been building our stamina by reading to self. We have practiced our fluency and expression with buddy reading, this has also taught us the importance of listening to others too. We are also expanding our vocabulary, as we are adding to our word wall when we discover new words in our reading. 


We have been continuing to write fantastic poems in our writing experiences. We have learnt a range of poetry skills and are experimenting with using similes, alliteration, interesting, onomatopoeia, adjectives and repetition. We have been risk takers in our writing by applying these skills into our own poetry writing. We wrote poems on being back to school and used similes such as “excited as a puppy” or “giggling like hyenas.” 



In Maths, we have been playing lots of fun number games to practice our mental math’s skills. We also did a length measurement and shape scavenger hunt in teams around the playground. It was so fun working with our friends to measure lots of different things. 

Farewell to Mrs Howard:  

This week we said goodbye and good luck to Mrs Howard. We are so grateful for all the care, love and dedication that she has provided us in the 1/2 community. We are going to miss you and Laura reading to us on zoom. We can’t wait to meet your new baby boy on zoom. We will miss you Mrs Howard.