Principal's Message



Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,




Yesterday, Wednesday 11th November, our students and staff held a very respectful and moving online Remembrance Day assembly. 


The assembly was exceptionally led by our school captains who did a tremendous job who introduced various aspects of the remembrance service including:

  • The Acknowledgement to Country
  • Video – What is Remembrance Day?
  • Reading of the poem – In Flanders Fields
  • Reading of the poem – Why Wear a Poppy
  • Reading of the Remembrance Day Ode

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them."

  • Playing of the last post with a minute silence followed by The Rouse
  • Reading of the poem – Remembrance Day
  • Wreath procession - All classes present their wreaths and flowers to be laid at our Lone Pine during the day
  • Reading of the poem – Poppy

Representatives from each year level displayed the wreaths of flowers at the front of their classes during assembly as a symbol of their respect and remembrance of the those lost to conflict. 


The Last Post was played followed by a minute’s silence. 


Later in the morning, all classes laid their wreaths and flowers at the Lone Pine at the front of the school. 


Well done everyone!




What an amazing day it was today for our newest students, their families and our community! Today we were finally able to proudly welcome all of them to our school and have them start the really important transition sessions at school in the Foundation classrooms. 


Up until now we have only been able to have online transition sessions, which have been great but not the same as face-to-face. We understand that these sessions are vital to developing friendships, confidence and connections with other children and our amazing Foundation teachers!



All the children brought in their favourite teddy bear to help them with reading the story Teddy Bear's Picnic. Afterwards they created a special Teddy Bear's Picnic picture before they had a picnic of their own. Of course, this wouldn't have been complete without a delicious Teddy Bear biscuit. Our brilliant Year 6 School Captains and Community Relationships Leaders were on hand to provide some extra support too!


What an amazing day and welcome to our 2021 Foundation families!




Next Friday is our final Curriculum Day for the year. As a staff we will be further developing our Discovery (Inquiry) Curriculum in preparation for 2021. 


Our outside school hours program, will be running a whole day program for families who still require the service. Please go their website to ensure you book in advance.


Take care and stay safe.


Kind regards,


Darren Wallace
