Year 5 Spotlight

NAIDOC Yarning Conference

On Tuesday 20th of October, the Year 5 students participated in the 2020 Darebin Schools NAIDOC Yarning Conference, a program that highlights aboriginal history, accomplishments and the challenges our indigenous community has had to overcome.


It was the first time the event had been held virtually, and the theme of the day was ‘Always Was, Always Will Be.’ Students learnt about aboriginal land rights, watched a traditional smoking ceremony and participated in their own Little Long Walk while holding posters declaring their stance against racism. The Long Walk commemorates Michael Long’s walk from Melbourne to Canberra in 2004, to get the lives of the indigenous people back on to the national agenda.


Everyone had a fantastic time, and the students are excited to share what they have learnt with the wider school community.


~ Year 5 Teachers and Students