Assistant Principal's Report

Semester Two Reports

This semester our student reports will be a bit different again, reflecting the continuation of remote learning in term three and then the return-to-face to face learning in term four. Now we have been back a few weeks, classes have started to complete assessments so teachers can see where students are in their learning and what their future focus might be. 


Our reports this semester will include:

  • Short description of what was taught in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Reported achievement against the Victorian Curriculum in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • A progression point on the cover page indicating progress in Literacy and Numeracy, since the last time these areas were reported.
  • Comment on student participation and engagement, with reference to the Personal and Social Capabilities.
  • A future learning statement based on the Personal and Social Capabilities.


School reports will be available in Compass on Wednesday 2 December.


This year we will be running Optional Parent Sessions virtually during the week beginning 7th December. We are organising these as optional meetings—many parents gained a greater understanding of where their child is at during remote learning, and there were high levels of communication between teachers and parents. For many families, the formality of a Parent Teacher Interview is not necessary.


These optional sessions will allow for parents to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss a particular matter regarding their child.


Keep an eye out in Compass for details.


I have been so impressed with how well our students have come back and settled in to the school routine. We understand how difficult this can be after such a long period at home and really appreciate all the work our parents are doing to have children up and ready in the mornings!


Walking around the yard during break times is a joyful experience – it always makes me smile watching the older children take the younger ones under their wings and include them in games. This seems to be happening a lot more this term, which makes me reflect on the skills they have learnt during lockdown, the resilience and recognition of how important human connection is. 


School connectedness is something we try hard to excel in at FPS. We offer opportunities for students to increase connectedness in many different ways – one of them is by trying to find common interests and provide a range of social opportunities for students to interact. At the moment, a common interest is a passion for insects… which meant that my office now houses a terrarium! Every day I have more snails, slugs and caterpillars added to our tank as many students work together to collect bugs and leaves during break times. With such lovely sunny weather, insect hunting has become a popular activity outside for students from all year levels! 

Book Week Celebrations

Last Thursday we celebrated Book Week. The theme this year was ‘Curious Creature, Wild Minds’. Although we could not hold our usual Book Week parade, we still had fun dressing up and celebrating in classes. Our librarian Paula also decorated the newly renovated library and it looks amazing! Classes have been enjoying relaxing in the beautiful sunny space, browsing the shelves, and listening to the books that were shortlisted for ‘book of the year’. 


~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal