Connections & Wellbeing
Breakfast @ ASC
We have breakfast available everyday @ ASC. Students can drop in for a warm slice of toast or two and a piece of fruit to start their day. The best way to start the day is with a nutritious breakfast. Often mornings are hectic and many students get to school without having breakfast.
A HUGE thank you to Coles who have generously provide food for ASC’s breakfasts ...
and appreciation to our staff who make the best raisin toast!
Annette Callister
Head Teacher - Wellbeing
Barista Program @ ASC
The Barista Program is an engaging learning environment that provides the opportunity for students to develop entrepreneurial, life and employment skills.
Students make coffee for staff and hot chocolate most days in the week. They have a great sense of pride in making the coffees and developing their skills in customer service. We focus on factors like communication skills, financial literacy, problem solving, teamwork, time management and more. Each student gets the time to learn the art of making café quality beverages and the sense of pride that making someone's morning a little bit brighter can bring.
We also make it a priority that our environment is inviting and fun for all of us including our customers. The students involved in the program are all hard working and they show really great initiative in all aspects and I know that any employer would be lucky to have them as their employees.
Annette Callister
Head Teacher - Wellbeing
Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman
During Week 3, Year 10 participated in 'Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman' sessions. These workshops were designed to encourage students to explore and challenge common stereotypes by discussing ideas and exploring tricky topics in a relatable way.
Feedback shows that our students benefited from these sessions. They acknowledged the personal gains from building resilience and self-confidence, together with promoting connectedness among their peer group:
‘I thought the tomorrow woman presentations were really good. I wish other year groups could do it too.
I really liked how all the girls felt comfortable to talk about how we could be strong independent women’
Maddy T
‘We should have things like Tomorrow Woman more often. I would love to be able to present something like that to younger students. It was good to know people’s different stories and struggles and to know that other girls in your year group have your back.’
Alyssa J
Annette Callister
Head Teacher - Wellbeing
Be cool and stay cool!
Doesn't our delightful Tash look great in the school's bucket hat!
With the hot summer days ahead, hats can be purchased from the ASC Office for $15.00.
Darlene Ferguson
Aboriginal Education Officer
Special Religious Education
Did you know that Spiritual Wellbeing is one aspect of the Department of Education's Wellbeing Framework for Schools? As defined in this document:
Christian SRE at ASC supports student wellbeing.