Creating and Making
Year 11 VET - Construction
Year 11 VET Construction has completed the two dog kennels as their course projects.
These projects have allowed students to successfully understand and gain experience in key areas of the syllabus including: conducting workplace communication; using carpentry tools and equipment; applying WHS requirements and procedures; assembling components; and preparing for offsite manufacturing processes. These skills are important factors that are required to work safely in the construction industry.
With the 2020 year being plagued by disruptions like Covid-19, students have worked maturely to cover all aspects from the course. It is great to proudly recognise our students as doing a job well done!
Nathan Elbourne
Teacher - VET
Year 10 Textiles
Year 10 Textiles students were given the task of producing any chosen textile item using recycled goods only. Here are some great examples of completed works:
Year 10 Textiles students also devoted several lessons on learning how to the sewing machine to explore textile techniques in contemporary ways:
Congratulations to our students for some wonderful work!
Nikki Munday
Teacher - TAS | Head Teacher - Stage 5
Year 10 IT - Timber
Students have been busy constructing and completing their major project in Year 10 Industrial Technology - Timber: a bedside table!
This project has taken two terms to complete, with students learning how to pay attention to the finer detail in cabinetry work. Timber joint work including doweling, rebate joints, biscuit joints, dovetail joints and mortice & tenon joint work have been used during the construction process.
Students now have an in-depth understanding of the construction process associated with finer timber cabinetry work. This will be a great skill set if they further their interests of working with timber for the senior HSC.
Nathan Elbourne
Teacher - VET