Around the Classrooms

Take a trip around the classrooms


In Maths, we have been learning about grouping and understanding the notion of how objects can come together to form a group. The game ‘clumps’ has been a crowd favourite in the Foundation Classroom where the children dance until the music stops and a number is called out. They then form a group from that given number and if they cannot form that number, they are out! The last two survivors are the winners and the children are great supporters. 


During some of our maths activities, the children created a ‘Spotty Ollie’, as seen in the picture below. We knew that an octopus has 8 legs however it was up to them to determine how many spots their Spotty Ollie has. 

Another activity was using collections and forming our own groups. The children filled out a sentence strip which matched their collection. 


It has been wonderful having the children back at school and back together. It has been an absolute pleasure being able to see the growth from Term 2 and now in Term 4. I look forward to sharing many more laughs and fun with them!!

Grade 1/2

In 1/2W we have been learning about Remembrance Day and NAIDOC Week. We have been exploring Indigenous texts in our literacy groups and learning about the symbolism of the red poppy. You can see our Remembrance Day wreath art project we made with 1/2KP in the photo attached! In maths, we are continuing to learn about number and place value. The class made doughnuts that look good enough to eat whilst recording the 2-digit and 3-digit place value of the sprinkles. Please see Tayla's, Harry's and William's work attached! Miss Wood

In STEM, 1/2 KP are working on prototyping our designs to help our injured creatures. 

Sharing some happy snaps of our working ideas and the children working cooperatively in their teams.

Melinda and Chris 

Grade 3/4


We have been engaging in multi-modal literacy through creating dioramas, tweets, digital comic books and artwork. Using the book NOP by Caroline Mageri for inspiration, our celebration of book week, creativity and literature has been full of vibrant colour, rich discussion and putting our summarising and comprehension skills to the test.


As a class, we have been reflecting on and celebrating our personal strengths. Our Leap of Faith activity reflects the importance of drawing upon our strengths to take a chance. We strive to take risks in our learning to help us grow, challenge our understandings and celebrate new learnings. The class has been embracing this mindset with increasing confidence as each day passes and it is wonderful to watch them grow together in our class and school community.

leap of faith
leap of faith

Grade 5/6

The seniors have been working towards their important end of year responsibilities in the last two weeks. Grade 5 have been preparing their leadership speeches, getting inspiration from leaders from history, and utilising their persuasive writing skills to demonstrate their leadership qualities. Grade 6 have begun their Mixbooks and pulling together their Graduation Video. 

While we are working hard, we're also playing hard, with a spontaneous netball game played last Friday lunchtime. Mrs. Phyland was kind enough to umpire the match and Mr. Sandison and Miss Wood threw on a bib and mixed it with the students. It was a fun activity and we'll be looking to continue to enjoy our time together as a senior community after such a long time apart.