Information for Parents

Sick Bay

All students and parents/guardians are reminded of the procedure to follow if a student is feeling unwell at school.

Students who feel unwell should go to the General Office/Sickbay.  If this occurs during class time, students must have their student planner signed or a note from their teacher.

The staff will make the student comfortable and contact parents/guardians to collect the student from school, if it is determined that this is the best course of action.

Students are NOT to text/ring parents/guardians directly during school times to advise if they feel unwell.

Lost Property

Please ensure that all items of clothing and personal items are clearly labeled  with your child's name . Students should check at the general office as soon as possible if they have misplaced something.  Named items are returned to the rightful owner asap.


Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to customers who receive an:

  • Australian Government Department of Human Services Centrelink payment
  • Family Assistance Payment
  • Parental Leave Pay

If you are interested in paying $10.00 or $20.00 per fortnight off your child’s school account with Centrepay please contact the McGuire College general office on 58589800.

Sunsmart Policy

McGuire College is a Sunsmart School, and as such, during Terms 1 & 4  students must wear a broad brimmed hat when outside, whether it be walking from the lockers to the canteen, playing sport on the oval or simply walking around the school.

Navy broad-brimmed hats are available for purchase from the general office for $11.00.

Student Absences

Parents who call the office to notify of their child/s absence are now required to provide a signed hand written note or medical certificate to have the absence approved.

Family Email address

It is important that families provide the school with a current email address so that parents can access and receive important school information (student reports, absences, accounts, newsletters).

 You can notify us by calling the office, send an email or a note from home

Privacy Policy

The Victorian privacy laws, the Information Privacy Act 2000, and Health Records Act 2001, provide for the protection of personal and health information. The school will at all times adhere to the privacy requirements. From time to time photographs are taken of students participating in sports events, school productions or special events, or other activities around the school. These photographs may be used in our school newsletter, school magazine, school website and our facebook page. They may also be used by the local media for an article about the activity, or they may be placed on our home page on the internet. If the photograph is published, it will only be in the context of the activity in which the child is participating, and whilst names may be used, no other information will be provided.

If any parent does not wish their child’s photograph to be published in any of the mediums outlined above, please complete a form at the general office.