Important Dates
Friday 8th: School Photo Day
- 2019 school photos will be taken next Friday, 8th of February. The Year 12 individual and group photos will be taken on Friday, 15th February at 8:45 am. The envelopes to place orders were given out at the first day conference meetings, if you don't have an envelope please see your DT Teacher or the general office. Envelopes should be handed to the photographers on the day of the photos.
Wednesday 20th: Swimming Sports
Thursday 21st: School Council Meeting
Year 7 Welcome BBQ
Monday 11th: Labour Day Holiday
Friday 15th: Senior Summer Sports
Thursday 28th: School Council Meeting
Friday 29th: Year 7 Immunisations
Wednesday 3rd: Parent Teacher Interviews, 4.00-6pm
Thursday 4th: School Closure Day
Friday 5th: Parent Teacher Interviews, 10am - 1pm