Student Wellbeing

Managing and Bouncing Back in Tough Times

...this is called 'resilience' - a vital life-skill that we need now more than ever as we all try to find our way through a never-been-seen-before situation!

Resilience is the key that will help us succeed; as individual students, families and a school community. Hard work and commitment to learning will also help us thrive in this time of isolation and, for many, a time of difficulty.  

We have heard this message a million times but it remains true - we WILL get through TOGETHER! Our well-being team is available for support or a chat - just contact us!

This can be a time of greater learning and opportunities for growth; check out this clip and see if you can learn something new about managing and bouncing back in tough times:


Remember, we are here if you need to talk to someone - hope to see you soon!



Advice for Parents and Carers COVID_19

Below in the link to the Department Website on their most recent update in relation to advice around the COVID-19. I have included below the link to the site and a document that you may like to use when talking to your child about these unprecedented times we find ourselves in.

Department Site


Additional resources

To support you when talking to your child

To share with children and young people

Ms Oliver