Student Awards

Student of the Week - 24/04/2020

Prep/1A - Makenzee - For excellent skip counting by 2's and for almost completing the first level of Mathletics. Well done Makenzee! 

Prep/1J - Jemma - For wonderful maths work this week when she counted all 50 fence posts along her driveway when she collected the mail. Well done Jemma! 

1/2R - Sophia - For her amazing super effort with her home learning tasks this week. 

2/3C - Urijah - For your amazing persistence and commitment to completing your learning at home. 

3/4S - Cooper - For working really hard at school and at home this week and completing some tasks brilliantly! Well done Cooper! 

3/4W - Mia - For taking responsibility of her remote learning. Keep up the good work!

5/6H - Bridget - For taking responsibility for her own learning during our remote learning for Term 2. The quality of work you have submitted has been excellent. Keep up the great work Bridget! 

5/6S - Declan - For having a positive attitude to learning as you adjusted to remote learning situations. You have been organised and successfully submitted your learning tasks and a range of other tasks from the school resources. Great work! 

Science - Riley B. - For his awesome work for the topic of microbes and for also applying himself fully to the online learning modules.  

Music - Billie H. - For creating an excellent song about unicorns. Not only did you write words and sing the song but you also had a rhythm to go with it. Well done Billie!

Art - Olivia - For an excellent art sculpture. You have used all kinds of resources to create your monster space ship. It looks fantastic! Well done Olivia!