Community Notices

Shepparton - Message from the Mayor

Hello and welcome to Council’s e-news update which provides information during the response and recovery phases of the COVID-19 emergency.


We hope that you and your family are staying healthy and well? These are challenging times but our community is doing a terrific job in supporting each other - it is great to see the connections arising from this pandemic. Whilst we are seeing good results in ‘flattening the curve’ it is not yet time to relax. Council will continue to take advice from the state and federal governments on how we can operate.   


I know that it's tough working from home and managing your child's schooling at the same time. The ABC have partnered with the Victorian government to assist with education resources. The Victorian government also has some great learning from home resources. I encourage you to take a look but also check out Aquamoves and SAM social media which provide inspiration on how to keep your family busy and entertained.

Thank you

Cr Seema Abdullah



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Council is consistently providing updates on the latest changes to our services in response to the COVID-19 emergency restrictions. We are also keen to answer any of your questions. Here are some of the questions we are receiving:


Are the Resource Recovery Centres still open?

Yes. As waste disposal is a service provided by local government the RRCs are still operating. You need to pay with EFTPOS, no cash sales and please remain in your vehicle to assist with physical distancing. Staff will direct where you need to go. We would also encourage you to consider whether your visit to a RRC is critical at this time in light of the stay at home directions.


Are there any COVID-19 resources for non-English speaking community members?

Yes. If you know someone who needs translated written or spoken information relating to the COVID-19 emergency please direct them to Council’s website, particularly the pandemic page where there are videos produced by local organisation Uniting and the Greater Shepparton Foundation. There are also translated flyers available from SBS. The Ethnic Council of Shepparton District can also assist.


I’ve got a new baby and I need to be able to see my Maternal and Child Health nurse, how can I get support?

We are continuing to offer Maternal and Child Health (MCH) support and face-to-face visits for new babies, children and families. If you have young children we are also offering free web-based New Parents Groups and Maternal and Child Health sessions. For MCH support or to make a booking please contact MCH Administration on 5832 9312.


How do I register a new dog/cat?

At this stage we cannot process new animal registrations as the office is closed. Registrations for new and existing animals have been extended until 30 June 2020.


How do I renew my disabled parking permit?

Forms can be emailed to you and returned by post, email or put in the mail chute at the entrance to Council’s Welsford Street office.


I am unable to pay my rates, what can I do?

Residential ratepayers are able to enter into a payment arrangement or apply for financial hardship consideration regarding rates. Each case will be assessed on individual circumstances with outcomes customised according to the need of each case. Please contact Council on 58329700 to find out more information or to have your situation assessed.


Do I still have to pay for parking?

Yes, time limits and parking fees still apply as they normally do.


I’m planning a wedding in a Council park later in the year, when can I book in?

Currently Parks, Sport and Recreation bookings are suspended until further notice. This will be reviewed on a regular basis. At the moment we are not able to let you know when bookings of parks will resume as any re-opening needs to be in line with advice from the federal and state governments. Please contact our Customer Service Team for more information.  


If you have any further questions regarding COVID-19 or Council services our Customer Service Team are happy to help or visit our website.




 Quick Response Business Grants

Did you know that Council is offering grants of up to $3,000 for small to medium businesses in Greater Shepparton?

The Grants are part of Council's Economic Response to COVID-19 Package - Stage 1. They are designed to help businesses transition to online and e-commerce activities. Funding is available for:

•             Website design and development

•             E-commerce platform (selling online and receiving payment)

•             Online content development (webpages, mobile apps, audio and visual media)

•             Digital marketing and promotion

•             Mentoring and training in online and e-commerce activities

Grants are available until expended or until 1 August 2020 whichever occurs sooner. Eligibility criteria and online application are available in the link -


Aquamoves online workouts and fitness tips

Did you know that Aquamoves is offering free online fitness classes to help you stay healthy and well?

Classes are available for all fitness levels and ages, from teens to seniors. You can do the classes at home and best of all, you don't need special gym equipment.

Visit the Aquamoves website for all the latest videos or follow Aquamoves on Instagram or Facebook.


Virtual tours and art workshops with SAM Hub

The Shepparton Art Museum has been busy setting up online virtual tours of the museum as well as online workshops.

SAM Hub is a new section on the website where you can find activities for kids, teens and adults, artist interviews and workshops and virtual tours. 

Visit the website or follow SAM on Instagram and Facebook to see the latest free activities.


 What's Council's role with COVID-19?

There is so much information available at the moment that it's difficult to keep track of who does what. Council has developed a new video explaining our role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can view it online at


Register for the Greater Shepparton Response

Getting through these uncertain times, it is important we work together to overcome COVID-19 challenges and prioritise the needs of our more vulnerable residents, while continuing to support the viability of local businesses. Under the banner of the Greater Shepparton Response (GSR), leaders and agencies are actively working to provide the support necessary to deal with an immediate crisis, while planning and working towards eventual recovery.

If you’re a business owner or community agency, register now so that you can benefit from sharing important information and resources.

Furphy Literary Award

St Mary of the Angels