Student News
Year 12 Graduation
Thank you to Settlers Tavern for the wonderful venue, newlyweds Brendan & Louis for the amazing decorations and to Nick Goznik and his staff at Kitchen 95 for the delicious food. Thank you to all of our Staff who have worked with our year 12 students over their years here, in particular to our Year 12 Coordinator Leanne McCraw.
Graduation celebrations for our year 12 students took place on Monday 21st November. We were meant to have the event outside Jessie Hollonds Studio, however, with the inclement weather forecast, this needed to change. Angela and Warren from Settler Tavern kindly offered their venue for our use. We cannot express how grateful we are for this kind gesture.
Kitchen 95 supplied the food. Nick Goznik was able to park his food truck behind Settlers Tavern and bring the food to each table. Thank you for the amazing food.
We would also like to thank Brendan and Louis for allowing us to use many of their wedding decorations for our event. We really appreciated this generous gesture.
After the meal, Gen and Ruby spoke on behalf of their peers about their time at Mt Beauty Secondary College. The students received a certificate and gift bag as part of the presentation. To conclude the evening, a video recapping their last six years was shown.
A Year 12 social morning tea on the day of results release will occur at the auditorium between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm. Following this – on 13th and 14th December, Jo Macklan will be available for change of preference and careers consultations by phone, email or in person at school.
Presentation Evening is being held on Wednesday 14th December in front of the Jessie Hollands Studio at 7.00 pm. A range of scholarships and awards will be awarded at presentation evening. It is hoped that all Year 12 students attend Presentation Evening to receive any awards they’re eligible for.
Le-Anne McCraw
Puppet Schmuppet