Thank you to all the families who joined these online conversations. Almost 11,000 interviews took place over the two days - this is an impressive number and illustrates our community’s commitment to education and improving student learning. A reminder to parents that McKinnon Secondary College undertakes continuous reporting - as such, assessment feedback (i.e. results and comments) is always available on Compass Learning Tasks.
Families are reminded that all students should be in full winter uniform from the beginning of Term 2. This includes wearing the College blazer to and from school every day. It is also important to note that nail polish and facial piercings are not acceptable at school, and all students need to be wearing black leather lace-up school shoes (not black runners).
If additional or new uniform items are required, our supplier is Bob Stewart, located on Centre Rd in Bentleigh. Information about pricing and ordering can be found on the Bob Stewart website, while a downloadable PDF uniform list can be accessed here. Thank you to all families for your continued support of our uniform policy.
We always expect students to behave appropriately when online. Recently we have been informed of incidents where individuals have used social networking sites such as Instagram to post offensive and harmful material.
Please discuss with your child their online presence, including the risks associated with creating online 'friendships' with individuals they don't know in person. In addition, creating an online presence/profile that permits anonymous postings is extremely risky and should be strongly discouraged. We have also been advised that a number of students are communicating online using Discord - this is a platform that many parents may not be aware of. Again, please remind your child about the importance of communicating in a respectful and positive way when online.
Whilst we recognise that online interaction is a big part of students' lives, we want to ensure they are also safe and responsible users of such technology. Online harassment can not only cause great damage to students' self-esteem, it is unlawful.
For further support in this matter please refer to the schools advice around Cyber Safety Information for Parents
Any student catching the 630 bus (North Road) must use the North Road and East Boundary Road bus stop only. This also allows you to access the pedestrian crossings on this busy road. Please do not use the bus stop near North Rd and Cobar St.
We ask that students do not attend the Lolly Shop or Service Station on North Road.
Students MUST NOT walk through the industrial estate; this is far too dangerous for students and is also private property.
All students must arrive/leave East Campus via either South Drive, Virginia Park or Marlborough Reserve.
We wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday period and look forward to seeing all the students back Term 2.