It has been a fantastic start to Term 1 in Health. The term has been filled with a diverse range of amazing food creations. An incredible amount of learning (and fun) has been experienced across all subject areas of Health.
Year 7 Food Technology students have already delighted many newsletter readers with their commendable skills and capabilities in the kitchen. In theory lessons, the students have been working towards establishing an understanding of nutrition, food choices and healthy living and investigate and select strategies to promote health. They have been investigating the characteristics and properties of food techniques when creating solutions for healthy eating.
Year 9 Food Technology students have successfully been able to link their Science knowledge with Food Technology. The STEAM coursework supports students’ ability to think critically to solve problems, and design and create solutions. Students have been investigating the principles of food safety, preservation, preparation, presentation and sensory perceptions influence the creation of food solutions for healthy eating.
Budding master chefs in Year 10 Food Technology have had the opportunity to extend their knowledge regarding food culture and cuisine by investigating Indigenous foods and foods from around the world. To conclude Term 1 they are now preparing for the exciting part of the course, the ‘Main meal investigation’. All Year 10 teachers are excited to see what choices have been made and look forward to this learning task continuing into Term 2.
A crowd pleasing recipe for the term can be found here: Spiced Indian potatoes with cauliflower and plant-based mince.pdf
Year 10 Health students are paving their way through highly engaging classes based on the importance of health and wellbeing at an individual level and its significance to their families, communities and globally. Throughout the term, they have reviewed the lifespan stage and leading up to the school holidays, they will finalise their work on Youth growth and development with a particular focus on developing / strengthening resilience, decreasing stress and learning how to apply coping strategies.
VCE Food Studies:
Unit 1 - The students have been learning about food from historical and cultural perspectives and investigating the origins and roles of food through time and across the world. Students have explored how humans have historically sourced their food, examining the general progression from hunter-gatherer to rural-based agriculture, to today’s urban living and global trade in food. Students have been thoroughly enjoying the practical classroom experiences as this supports their ability to extend skills, knowledge and creativeness.
Unit 3 - These superstars have been exploring the science of food: the physical need for it and how it nourishes and sometimes harms our bodies. Students have investigated the science of food appreciation, the physiology of eating and digestion, and the role of diet on gut health. Term 2 will see the students analyse food intake, food traditions and review eating models including the nutritional rationale behind the healthy eating recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
VCE Health and Human Development:
Unit 1 - Students have been amazing this term! They have worked independently and collaborated with their peers to identify personal perspectives and priorities relating to health and wellbeing, and enquire into factors that influence health attitudes, beliefs and practices, including among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Students have looked at multiple dimensions of health and wellbeing, the complex interplay of influences on health and wellbeing and the indicators used to measure and evaluate health status.
With a focus on youth, students consider their own health as individuals and as a cohort. They are continuing to build on their health literacy through interpreting and using data, through investigating the role of nutrition.
Unit 3 - Students have been a force to be reckoned with! Already they have risen to the challenges in class and are demonstrating some fantastic results. Students are engaged and eager to always do their best and provide endless support to each other. Students have explored health, wellbeing and illness as multidimensional, dynamic and subjective terms. They have explored health and wellbeing as a global concept and have been encouraged to take a broader approach to their inquiry.
Over the term, they considered the benefits of optimal health and wellbeing and its importance as an individual and a collective resource. Students have reviewed the fundamental conditions required for health improvement, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO). They have successfully used all of this knowledge as background to their analysis and evaluation of variations in the health status of Australians.
Teachers within the ‘Health’ faculty are incredibly blessed and impressed with the learning that has taken place this term. We are all looking forward to watching our student’s learning expand even further next term.
Ms Carmen Moloney
Health Learning Area Manager