During the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, students participated in an activity in ACE where they took the opportunity to express what Respect means to them. The results have been transformed into a word cloud. Some great comments included: (See main picture),
- “listening to everyone's thoughts even though they may be different from your own. being kind, standing up for yourself and others”
- “Respect means that you treat people the way they wanted to be treated not the way you think they need to be treated because of what they look like or what there gender is”
- “stepping in when others are being mistreated. letting others know that its okay to express your emotions”
- “Respect is accommodating and adjusting your views to be more open to others, their ideas and how they represent themselves. Demonstrating an acceptance of them and treating them as you would yourself.”
To recognise the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence some of our Like Minds students have been visiting our local primary schools and sharing their learning. They have presented a short film they created, ‘Davina and the Football Team’ that advocates for positive bystander behaviour. They then ran some activities with the students based on equality, inclusivity and respect, including a colouring-in competition. Thank you to Nyora Primary, St Joseph’s Primary School and Korumburra Primary School for having us visit. Results of the colouring competition will be shared soon.
Our College recently wore ORANGE to raise awareness of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign. We all want to feel safe and valued for what we contribute to society. We want our homes, schools, workplaces, community and sporting clubs, to be places where everyone feels safe.
This is our chance to have conversations about what will make a positive change in our community. Let’s chat about #equality#Respect and #eliminationofgenderbasedviolence