Principal's Report

by David Lord

Assembly to Launch New House Names

Over the past few years a group of our students and teachers led by Elliott Tregonning have been working on the process of updating our school house names to reflect that our school is on Wurundjeri land. Last Friday was a special day for us as this process came to fruition. A whole school assembly to launch the renamed houses to acknowledge the country our school is on. 


We were really privileged, and excited, to have a number of special guests including Aunty Joy Murphy who gave an interesting and in depth Welcome to Country. She spoke about her families’ history and of their connection to country. She also remarked that our students were one of the most respectful groups of this size that she had ever spoken to! Charley James responded magnificently to Aunty Joy in thanking her. She was also presented with art work from one of our Aboriginal teachers Daryl Nayler Gundrungurra Koori Yuin Nations. 





We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.