P&C News 

P&C President's Report

Hi all, 


Welcome all families to 2023 at Boambee Public School.


We are pleased to see the school has started off smoothly with the addition of our new Kindy students! We hope the families have settled in well and are enjoying their little ones being in a fantastic educational environment. 


The P&C are urgently looking for new volunteers for both the P&C and the canteen. We are hoping to recruit many more people as we have lost some parents to high school. We don't expect everyone to volunteer every time we have a function, or every week in the canteen, even if you could help out at just one event that would be amazing. We are struggling to hold events such as the mothers day and fathers day stall, as we are down on numbers who can volunteer their time for us. We are at risk of cancelling some of these much loved events. Which means our children miss out. So if you can help us in any small way, we would love for you to contact the school and let us know that you can help. 


Our AGM is this Monday the 13th February at Boambee Public School in the administration building at 6pm. Please come along. 


We hope everyone has an amazing Term 1 in 2023.



Tasanee Alam 

P&C President