Principal's Report 

Principals Message 

An Excellent Start to 2023 

It has been a wonderful start to the year, with all of our classes beginning the year in a calm and orderly manner. It is pleasing to see that all of our work setting classes and structures before the end of 2022 has paid off with students learning within their classes from day 1. There are only 200 days in a school year, we need to maximise every one of them.  

In particular our new kindergarten classes have gotten off to a flying start, with most students already walking in independently and exploring far and wide on the playground. Well done to our parents and teachers of kindergarten, all of those orientation session have paid off!

SRC Badge Ceremony 

On Friday of week 2 we held our first assembly for the year. We celebrated our new SRC by presenting their badgers to them and reciting our pledges. Our SRC is made up of 26 representatives from our 11 student clubs, 6 house captains and 6 school captains. Some of the students within this group will hold formal leadership positions in our school for 4 years, setting them up with great confidence and sense of belonging for their future. 


What a wonderful group of school leaders!

Welcome to Boambee Public School Breakfast 

Our Wellbeing Club will be hosting a breakfast and are inviting all of our new families/students to join us on February 21, at 8:00am. Please see the details in the flyer below. 



Phil Maunder


Declaration for Child Related Work

It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.