WELC Report

Message from the Acting WELC Coordinator -
Ms Debby Morgan
The last year and a half have changed the world and students in the Language Centre are continuing to experience a changed learning experience due to Covid-19. School began again this year with a mix of online and in-class students. We currently have 16 students attending from China, Greece, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Students will study at our Language Centre for at least 2 terms.
I congratulate students on successfully finding their way around Microsoft Teams and Office 365. Students are now comfortable in knowing where their classes are and where to find information. A key message this term has been ‘to ask’. It is important for us all to ask for help or clarification when we are not sure of something. This is how we learn faster. In the remaining month of the term, we hope our students continue to try their best and complete all their classwork and activities, which will see their English improve even more. We also plan for our local students to participate in the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals in the next two weeks. Alternative activities will be arranged for our online students.
We expect many students to exit the Language Centre at the end of this term. Some students will go on to study at mainstream schools in Australia while others will go on to study online. Some will wait until they can travel to Australia before continuing their Australian schooling. However, for all those students ready to graduate, we wish you all the best in your future studies and we look forward to seeing you all again one day in Australia!
Key Dates:
16 March – Swimming Carnival
22 March – Athletics Carnival
1 April – last day of Term 1
Ms Debby Morgan
Acting WELC Coordinator
Every Friday morning, the students in WELC do cooking lessons. Ms Chow teaches the students how to cook something new and then students have a go at making it too. All students enjoy making new foods and eating them too!
Below are some comments from students about their experiences in cooking classes.
M.J – Team A
I made cheese twists in our cooking class. The recipes were really easy to follow for me. I will make cheese twists if I can at home. I want to learn how to make a pizza.
Dastan – Team A
My cooking class was on Friday 05/3/21. We made mixed berry and choc chip muffins. I enjoy making different foods each week. The recipes are easy to follow. I can try making them at home.
Georgia – Team B
Every Friday I have cooking. I have made dishes and sweets. I like to cook different foods, I like to cook more. Yes, it’s very easy but sometimes I do not understand some words. I like all the food but most of all, I like to make spaghetti.
Dylan – Team B
I like cooking. We cooked cheese twists last week. We cooked cupcakes this morning.
Ms Esther Chow
WELC Teacher