Middle School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Mr Tom Tahos
We’re back!!
It’s great to see everyone again, in person 😊
We are very happy with how you have been conducting yourselves since we have returned.
Remember to continue with the following:
- Keep safe in regards to washing your hands, staying home if you are unwell and social distancing where possible.
- Focusing on learning - that is bringing the correct equipment to class, getting involved in learning tasks and completing independent practice work (homework).
- Attending school and getting to classes on time.
- Wearing the correct school uniform.
We have had a few events while we have been back.
We had the privilege of having Susan McLean, Australia's foremost expert in the area of keeping safe online, come and present to all our Year 9 and 10 students. Susan covered some very important and practical skills and strategies we can all use in protecting ourselves online. Her presentation combined with her real-life experiences made for a very engaging presentation.
Remember the key message:
If anything happens online - take a screenshot and let your parent/guardian or teacher know.
Year 10 Work Experience (Careers Focus)
Year 10 students should be finalising their work placements.
The work experience form will need to be completed and handed in to Ms. Geraldine Borgonha by Friday, 19th March.
Work experience will run in Week 8 of Term 2, Monday 7th June – Friday 11th June.
All students should have completed their General OHS module and their Industry-specific OHS module.
For more information, please click below:
Year 9 students will also be involved in a three-day work experience program. The focus of this is volunteering to support the local community. Part of a service immersion program called ‘Growth and Development'.
Students will need to complete and submit their work experience form and the online General OHS module. We will be having a workshop in late March to go over all details.
An organisation called ‘Pro-Activity’ came and took Year 9 students through three activities: the frisbee challenge, the earth ball/tug of war challenge, and the obstacle course challenge. All students had a wonderful time trying each event. A fun way of highlighting the fun you can have while helping your body and mind with some physical activity.
Our Year 9 and 10 students are currently involved in the ‘Respectful Relationships’ workshops. This provides them with valuable understanding and strategies in expecting and reciprocating the characteristics of a respectful relationship.
Everyone in our community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally. We know that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are embedded in our education settings.
Respectful Relationships is about embedding a culture of respect and equality across our entire community, from our classrooms to staffrooms, sporting fields, and social events. This approach leads to positive impacts on students' academic outcomes, their mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships between teachers and students.
Together, we can lead the way in saying 'yes' to respect and equality, and creating genuine and lasting change so that every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Mr Tom Tahos
Director of Learning (Middle School)
Debating Winners!
The Westall Debating Team D Grade (Year 9s) won their first debate last week against Glen Waverley Secondary College! Congratulations to Janeeta Nasim, Merzia Chowdhury, and Larni Fountain, who also took home the Best Speaker award for the night!
Both the Year 9s and Year 10s (who did not debate last week due to the opposing team forfeiting) will have their next debate on Thursday, March 11th.
Well done Team!
Ms Annie Papagiannopoulos
English Assistant Coordinator