Italian in 2021
Aitken Hill Primary School are very pleased to announce the launch of our Italian language program, brought to you by yours truly, Michelle Napolitano!
You may remember me as an Icarus 5/6 Community teacher this year, and an Achilles 3/4 Community teacher in 2019. Previously, I have taught Italian, high school English, and primary school grade levels 1 - 6 at other schools over a span of 14 years.
My cultural background is Italian as my mother and all of my grandparents were born in Italy. I also lived and worked in Italy for 3 years as an International teacher, teaching Italian students all subjects in English.
In 2021, I look forward to teaching students at Aitken Hill Primary school about Italy and Italian culture, and learning a whole lot about the Italian language.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe summer break, and to those who celebrate it: Buon Natale! (Merry Christmas!) and to all a happy new year - BUON ANNO!
Best wishes from
Michelle Napolitano
Italian Studies
Aitken Hill Primary School