Icarus Community Report


Issue 11

A message from the teachers:

Alongside their school learning, 2020 has taught our students resilience, flexibility and self-monitoring skills. All of these will stand them in good stead for high school and beyond. We are proud of the way our Grade 5 and 6 students have shown themselves as leaders of our school community. Special congratulations goes to our Grade 6 students as they embark on their exciting journey into Year 7. We celebrated their achievements at our Grade 6 Graduation ceremony, held in our Golden Sun Centre at school. We were grateful for the support of the teachers, students and parents that attended.


Grade 6 Graduation ceremony
Graduation bears
Grade 6 Graduation ceremony
Graduation bears

Our learning:

Reading and Writing

In Term 4 Reading, we have been reading a class novel called Girl Underground and have all been making connections to ourselves, other texts and the world. We have also been answering comprehension questions about the book and have loved all the important conversations it has brought up. 



In Term 4 Writing, we started looking at script writing which led us to performing some small, funny acts. We then looked at some more serious issues such as racism and global warming and wrote some really strong persuasive texts. On top of this we also did our weekly word work and spelling. 



In Maths this term, we looked at angles and created cool presentations of all types of angles we found around the school. We moved onto looking at symmetry and shape transformation, where we made our own kites! We spent a windy afternoon attempting to fly them.

Kite flying
Making kites from newspapers
Learning about symmetry with kites
Kite flying
Making kites from newspapers
Learning about symmetry with kites



In Social and Emotional Learning this term, we focused on becoming really good active listeners. We also noted the difference between being an empathetic listener and a sympathetic listener and performed some role plays.  Finally, we revisited our zones of regulation and learnt why we might sometimes ‘flip our lid.’ We brainstormed ways to try avoid this and created posters which we put up all around the school.



In Inquiry, students explored citizenship and an Inquiry into Australian history. We learnt about the Victorian gold rush and Australian Federation. We played an educational computer game on our iPads where we had to sail a ship from England to Australia and keep the convicts on board healthy and safe.

Learning about Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous Australian flags
Learning about Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous Australian flags
Flag symbolism
Voyage computer game
Flag symbolism
Voyage computer game

Have a safe and happy holiday. See you in 2021!

Best wishes from Icarus teachers, 


Amber, Ainsley and Michelle.

Ainsley, Michelle and Amber at Grade 6 Graduation
Ainsley, Michelle and Amber at Grade 6 Graduation