Xenica Community Report

And somehow we have made it to the end of the school year!


What a ride it has been! Although in some ways we would probably like to forget 2020, there has been some amazing experiences come out of our unprecedented situation we all found ourselves in.


Remote learning has been a new experience for our students as well our teachers. We have developed our understanding and skills in use of technology for designing, creating, producing and reviewing. We have engaged in the use of learning platforms we have never experienced before. We have built relationships with others in times of hardship through both online engagement and on our return to on-site learning after our extended periods of lockdown throughout the year. We have developed our resilience in so many areas of our lives, and although we have missed out on some experiences like camps and excursions, we have still learnt so much through the unique experiences we have had online together.


Congratulations to all our students for showing commitment to learning in the height of a global pandemic and to our teachers for being flexible and adapting to all the new skills that have been required to move to a remote teaching platform with very little warning.


The Xenica Learning Community teachers would like to wish all students and their families a safe holiday period and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school at the start of 2021.


Trent, Kathryn, Emma, Rebecca and Paul