Argus Community Report

Thank you and Goodbye
What an unusual year we have had in 2020! Despite all our obstacles this year, all Prep students have completed an amazing first year of school. They have shown incredible resilience, courage and curiosity in their first year of school. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents for their support this year. We understand how difficult it was for each and everyone of you during Remote Learning, but you have done an incredible job and we are very thankful for your support.
During the Term 3 holidays Stacey and Ivan, welcomed their little baby boy into their family. Harrisynn-John came to visit us at school a few weeks ago, he is very cute.
Have a safe and restful school holidays and for those families who celebrate have a very merry Christmas.
An overview of Term 4 learning
In Reading, we have continued to teach students a range of decoding strategies to help them read unknown words. We have learnt about rhyme and had lots of fun making up finding words that rhyme and makling up own own rhyming sentences.
In Writing, we have focused on writing simple sentences with correct structure. We have learnt how to use our sight words in our writing. We have also been sequencing simple events using time connectives such a first, next, then, last. We wrote narratives, creating our own characters, settings and then used the time connectives to sequence our stories.
In Maths, we have revised addition. We have practised adding two collections together using count on as a strategy. We also learnt about measurement. We had fun measuring the length, mass and capacity of different items around the Community.
Happy holidays and we will see you again in 2021.
Fiona, Ashley, Amaal, Steph and Ceren