Senior School News

Welcome to 2021!

Welcome to Senior School 2021!

A big welcome to Senior School to all our Year 5 students and families, and welcome back to our Year 6 students and families! 2021 in Senior School is, unsurprisingly, off to a great start. We've been so impressed with our students' positive attitudes, resilience and effort. We were thrown a bit of a curve ball with the unexpected 'circuit breaker' lockdown, but as expected, our students took it all in their stride and continued to give their best effort from home. 

Our learning so far

Literacy: students have focused on setting up routines and getting into good reading and writing habits, to put them in good stead for the year ahead.

Maths: our focus in Maths has been on prime, composite, square and triangular numbers. Students have been really challenging their thinking in this area.

Inquiry: students have started looking into litter in the school yard, and have begun to gather data on the types of litter we commonly find. They will use their data to develop a solution to the litter problem in school yards.

Life Education

Students were visited by the Life Education van last week, and got to spend some time with everybody's favourite Happy, Healthy Harold! Students participated in a variety of different social skill building workshops. They showed great maturity and were really engaged with the activities.

Interschool Sports

Interschool Sports kicks off for us this week - last week we had a bye. We'll be playing Chirnside Park at home. The sports for this term are mixed basketball, girls basketball, hot shots tennis and rugby tag. Fingers crossed we can start the season with some wins!


If you haven't already given permission for your child to participate in Interschool Sports, we would be grateful if you could please jump onto Sentral and do this as soon as possible. The cost for the term is $20 per student, which can be paid via Sentral, direct deposit, or at the office via cash or EFTPOS.

Camp Coolamatong

Our senior school camp this year will be at Camp Coolamatong on 24-28 May 2021. Notices and information will be heading home soon.

Upcoming dates

A few dates for your calendar:

Monday 1 March: Curriculum Day

Thursday 4 March: Year 5 at Lilydale Heights Discovery Day

Monday 8 March: Labour Day Holiday

Thursday 1 April: End of Term 1

Friday 2 April: Good Friday