From the Office
Direct Deposit details:
Payments can be made via internet banking directly into the schools Bank account.
Acc Name: Kilsyth Primary School Council
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 23183981
Reference: (Family Surname)
Please also send an email to the school notifying us that you have made the payment, and to which program/event it should be allocated. The email confirms your payment and states:
Child’s name,
Amount paid
What the payment is for eg: Level 3 camp
Monday- Friday: 8.30am -4.00pm
Subway - Order Form
Please note that if you have ordered Subway and your child is absent on Friday, please organise to come and collect it from the office at 12.30pm. Unfortunately we are unable to cancel your order.
The office is unable to provide change, and please hand orders into the class at 9am.
Second Hand Uniform
Second hand uniform is back & will be available to purchase from outside the school office on
MONDAY afternoons between 3.20 - 3.40pm now supported by our parent volunteer Tammy. I would like to thank Aura Penry who looked after our uniform for the past 2 years.
Our School Uniform is ordered on line
The office still sell school hats.
Absence Notification on Sentral
Did you know that you can notify us of your child’s absence via Sentral? You can notify the school of an absence in advance, or on the day of the absence (preferably before 9.30am). To do this
select “Absences” from the menu, and then click the green “Notify of an Absence”. This is a quick
and easy way to notify us of your child’s absence and ensures our records remain up to date.
A reminder that if you need any help at all in using Sentral, please stop by the office and we will
arrange some support for you. It is important all parents have access to Sentral and can easily use
Asthma Friendly
Bakers delight rewards
Bakers Delight Kilsyth will kindly donate 5% of each sale back to our school, just mention Kilsyth Primary School when you make a purchase.