St Vincent de Paul's Annual Christmas Appeal.

Our fundraising support for SVDP will continue with the Christmas Appeal this week:

-  Coin Drop on Wednesday 9 December

- Thanksgiving Liturgy and Festive Foods collection on Friday 11 December

Coin Drop

Students are asked to bring in a gold coin tomorrow to donate to our annual coin drop for St Vincent de Paul. 

Thanksgiving Liturgy & Festive Foods 

On Friday 11 December students will come together in small groups for a Thanksgiving Liturgy and where classes will donate their collected Festive Foods. Thank you to the families who have already brought in some festive food items to donate on Friday, which will then be given to our local St Vincent de Paul Society. 

This year we have been asked to support those less fortunate by donating non-perishable foods which you would like to eat/have at Christmas or for a festive occasion - FESTIVE FOODS! EG: lollies, chips, bottles of soft drinks, popcorn etc.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support.

The Season of Advent

The time of Advent is the four week period of preparation for the season of Christmas. This weekend, the season of Advent will begin.  Advent is a time for us to prepare for the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas day. The word Advent comes from the Latin word advenio, which means "to come to," and refers to the coming of Christ. We are called to come to the celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas; we are also called to be aware of the coming of Christ in our lives through grace and the Sacrament of Holy Communion; and we need to be aware of Christ's Second Coming at the end of time. 

Copeton Dam

Year 10 spent 3 days out at Copeton Dam last week for the Christian Living Days where they were able to spend quality time together, reflecting on their time as a cohort and the journey ahead. Thank you to all the teachers, Fr. James and Fr. Thaddeus for joining us for a meal and Reconciliation on Tuesday evening.

For the Calendar:

Term 4 2020

9 December - Coin Drop

11 December - Thanksgiving Prayer Day and Festive Foods Donation to SVDP

Sacred Heart Parish Christmas Schedule

24 December - Christmas Eve Vigil Masses

4pm Tingha

6pm Inverell

8pm Inverell


25 December - Christmas Day Masses

8am Inverell

9am Inverell

10am Bundarra

11am Ashford

Christmas Blessings

Wishing you all a very blessed and joyful Christmas with your loved ones.


May the holidays see your homes

filled with joy,

may your be hearts be filled with love and

your life full of laughter.

Looking forward to seeing you all safe and well in the New Year.

God bless,

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator