Mrs Jillian Rainger

Thank you for 2020

It is hard to believe the school year is at an end. This is the last newsletter of the term and I would like to thank many people:


Last week's Year 10 Graduation celebrations were fantastic events despite the COVID 19 restrictions. Thank you to Miss Bailey, Mrs Guest, Mrs McLachlan, Mr Koch, Mr Lewis 

and Mrs Marshall who made it all happen.


To the senior leadership team - Mrs Dal Santo, Mrs Guest and Miss Bailey... thank you for your tireless work.


To our support staff across the school - thank you for keeping everything going, helping our students and making sure the school is safe and clean.


To our P and F and School Advisory Council - thank you for supporting the school and the leadership team. You are a great group of supportive families.


To Father James for always helping us bring Jesus to our students.


To all our families - your support in this tricky year has been tremendous...I can't thank you enough.


To our worked hard and in different ways this year and you did it with a smile...well done!


And most importantly our students... you are all great kids and we all love coming to work each day to watch you learn and grow.


Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

School Fees for 2020

School fees are now overdue. Please make a prompt payment or contact me to make a plan for payment over the holidays.

RED survey

We are seeking families' feedback on our K-6 reading initiative "RED: Read Every Day". Please follow the link to a Google Form and let us know what you thought. It will inform our planning for 2021. Staff and students will also be providing feedback.

Last Events for 2020

The details of the last events for 2020 are listed in the following sections of the newsletter. They are:

Coin Drop

Thanksgiving Prayer and Festive Food donations

Presentation Assemblies

Infants Christmas Concert Video "Premiere"

Pool and end of year activity days

Reports go home on Monday

Planning for 2021

If your child is leaving us in 2020 could you please contact me and let me know so we can send home the appropriate paperwork so proper clearance can occur. I will be sending home clearance forms to the families who have informed me of their child leaving this week. Please email me at:


Our teaching staff for 2021 are:

Kinder: Mrs de Gunst and Mrs Wales

Year 1: Mrs Ditchfield and Miss Wilson

Year 2: Miss McCosker and Miss Starkie

Year 3/4: Mr Baz, Mrs Moore, Mrs Devlin and Miss Goddard

Year 4/5: Mrs Doyle

Year 5/6: Mrs Gleeson, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Gaias and Mrs Selig.

Release Teachers: Mrs Berger, Miss Wilson, Mrs Dolbel, Mrs Guest, Mrs Zell and Mrs Dal Santo


Miss Bailey, Mr Koch, Mr Lewis (on leave for Term 1), Mr Ehsman, Mrs McLachlan, Mr Gils, Mrs Townsend, Mr Gaias, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Grady, Mrs East, Mrs McCormick, Mrs Marshall, Mr Uebergang and Miss Cush.


Our support staff remains the same across our school.


Please see start dates for Term 1 in the Upcoming Dates and Reminders section of the newsletter. These will be placed on COMPASS and Facebook towards the end of the holidays.