Term 5 Activities

Term 5

It was a lovely way to end 2020 with a range of activities which were enjoyed by students and staff. Below is a selection of photographs from some of those activities.

Mountain biking

Despite the unpredictable weather, our mountain biking participants were able to have some time out on the course. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Wooster who organised this popular Term 5 activity. 

Salt Dough Decorations and Ornaments


There were many creative hands on deck making salt dough Christmas decorations for Term 5. By day two, the fruits of their labour were becoming evident and some beautiful designs were being developed. These decorations are likely to be treasured for many years to come. 









Badminton and Tennis

Students and staff adapted to wet courts due to rain, and created their own fun with practice walls and a pop up badminton net.

Lights Camera Action - Drama games and more...

Theatrics were on offer for Term 5 this year with a group of keen actors participating in fun activities that explore and develop drama skills.  Thank you to Mrs Jenny Roff and Nick Troon for giving these  young people the opportunity to express themselves in Term 5. 







Term 5 allowed for the continuation of the packing process for the birthing kits. These kits are sent to underdeveloped countries to assist in safe birthing practices. 400 kits were produced this year. Well done Z-Club!



Laser Cutting

Many lovely creations were made in Term 5 Laser Cutting. From Christmas Trees to earings. The students had a great time making Christmas presents for family and friends. 


Recreational Swimming

Although not ideally swimming weather, students and staff enjoyed a dip at the Armidale Aquatic Centre. Thanks to those involved for organising this activity.

Table Top War Gaming


This activity looked challenging but fun. There is lots of strategy and maths involved.