Assistant Principal - Learning


Mr Stephen Chapman

AP Learning Article  Week 10 Term 4

Holidays?  Learn something new!


It’s HOLIDAYS!!!!!  Yes!!!!!!  Students and teachers are celebrating alike. This is the best time of the year!  It’s time to spend time with family and friends while we relax and recharge after a challenging year.  That’s fair enough.

Eventually, the relaxing will most likely morph into boredom, and the tick-tocking, Instagramming and gaming will lose its appeal.  When that happens, consider LEARNING SOMETHING NEW!


This is the ideal time to learn how to do something you have never done before.  In our modern world, it’s easy to learn how to do something.  You just have to Google it.  If reading and following diagrams don’t quite do it for you, watch a youtube clip.  There are 500 new hours of videos uploaded every minute to YouTube, so there will certainly be something there that will help you with whatever you are interested in.  For me, I have been trying new things in my building work that I have never done before.  On the weekends, I never have my phone far away from me in case I need to find out how to remove the battery from a tool or replace the blade on a jigsaw.  I’m always learning, and it feels so satisfying!


Use the holidays, and the time together with family and friends, to have a go at something.  The choices are endless.  Here are a few ideas.  Build a guinea pig cage, change the battery in your old phone, make a garden bed, grow vegies, make a compost heap, learn how to tie new knots in ropes, make real ginger beer, learn a new language (well, make a start at least), learn how to dance, make a web page, learn how to knit or crochet, fix your bike, change the oil in your car, learn how to drive a manual, get your boat licence, make some presents for Christmas, learn origami, learn how to ride a motorbike or learn how to draw animals. 


 Of course, the choices are endless and depend on your interests and resources.  My point is, we are all life long learners and this doesn’t stop when school stops.  The best time to learn is when we are interacting in the real world.  Be brave and have a go.  The connections we build with each other during this time is an added bonus.

Merry Christmas everybody. Have a great holiday.



Stephen Chapman


Assistant Principal - Learning (Term 4 2020)


Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing