Youth and Education Sector News
News from across the sector
Youth and Education Sector News
News from across the sector
to discus tutors being deployed across primary, secondary and specialist schools to ensure no student is left behind in the wake of the coronavirus. (COVID-19) pandemic. This is part of the largest initiative in the state’s history to provide students with extra individual support.
Topic: Victorian Schools 4100 Tutor Program
Time: Nov 30, 2020 07:30 PM Australia/Melbourne
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Meeting ID: 969 4278 4855
Schools and parents can promote respect and equality by encouraging children to read books that promote boys and girls as equals. Check out the children's booklist in the #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence toolkit
You do not have to be a NDIS participant to complete Map Your Future.
The ABC has announced the 31 young winners of the inaugural Takeover Melbourne storytelling competition, a new initiative from the ABC in partnership with VicHealth, Resilient Melbourne and the Centre for Multicultural Youth, amplifying the voices of young Melburnians (aged 12 to 18 years).
Are you aged 18-25 and living in Victoria? The CALD Communities Taskforce wants you to complete a short survey about your experiences during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It's anonymous and participants will receive a $20 gift card for their time.
Watch this webinar recording to hear how Megan’s practical experience working with children with complex and challenging needs alongside her important research in distance learning give a unique perspective to help this cohort of children through a crisis period, and what we can take forward from Megan’s lockdown learnings.