City LLEN News
Updates from us
City LLEN News
Updates from us
Term 4 is always a very busy time of the year for the City LLEN Team, traditionally it’s the term where schools engage with the City LLEN team to assist in mock interviews, career development and/or counselling sessions and talk about SWL pre-planning for the year ahead for their senior students, this year was no exception however outcomes were delivered online in accordance to COVID safe practices.
The City LLEN team ran four inspiring career webinars during term 4 to support young people who have not been able to go out on industry placement or industry excursions this year but are keen to find out more about different industries so that can make informed further study and career choices.
The term started off with the City LLEN delivering a Makeup Careers Webinar, there has always been a large number of students interested in careers within the Hair, Makeup and Beauty Industries so it came as no surprise that this particular webinar attracted many students and teachers from all around Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria. Two professional makeup artists presented giving the audience two very different insights into career pathways, career highlights and real life experience on how to survive and stay current in what is a very competitive industry.
The City LLEN then went on to deliver a Media and Entertainment Industries careers webinar in response to students interested in journalism and a growing number of students interested in social media career pathways. The City LLEN organised this webinar engaging with a Journalist to present who has over two decades of experience working in traditional media, public relations and emerging social media platforms. This Journalist has diversified his skills set to remain current in an ever changing Industry. Students got an insight into the types emerging careers pathways within the industries to help them make more informed career pathway choices.
The final two webinars run by the City LLEN for 2020 was delivered in response to schools within the City LLEN LGA advising that they have students interested in social work, community services and youth work career pathways. The City LLEN delivered a Community Services careers webinar in line with the beginning of Youth Week, which runs over four weeks. Two Community Services professionals presented; one from a social work background with Community Development experience and the other from a Recreational Leadership and Community Development background, both shared with the audience their career journeys through a multitude of interesting jobs that have helped to pave their careers in the Community Services space. The final webinar was the Youth Services careers webinar, the City LLEN engaged with three young professionals all working in the Youth Services space to present to the audience.
All four webinars have been uploaded on to the City LLEN YouTube Channel so that teachers, educators and students can access the webinars as a careers and pathways resource.
During Term 4 Hester Hornbrook Academy engaged with the City LLEN, along with IELLEN and Future Connect, to help delivery online mock interviews to their senior students at their three campuses. The school hopes to make this an annual event to support HHA students who are exiting the school at the end of the year as well as senior students who are keen to find employment whilst they study at HHA.
The event was a success with over 20 students across all campuses signed up to participate in mock interviews with LLEN staff on the day. Students learnt how to conduct themselves in an online interview environment with City LLEN staff giving students a real life experience of how interviews will be run during and beyond the new “COVID normal” world.
The Feedback from teachers and students was positive and inspiring with students taking away with them valuable interview tips and tricks to help them with their career journeys ahead.
On a final SWL note for 2020 City LLEN Employers are gearing up again after an unprecedented year with some employers ready to consider SWL opportunities again in 2021. Keep an eye on the SWL Portal in the new year as Wendy Dalkiran, the City LLEN Workplace Learning Coordinator updates SWL opportunities as employers confirm.
We have been working with University High, Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre, the Drum and Carlton Primary on various initiatives to support students residing in public housing, this has resulted in a number of events and supports and included:
The City LLEN along with our partner schools in our Flexi Network were consulted by Mr John Firth and his associates earlier this year to discuss the review of the VCAL program and improvements that could be made. We are pleased to see our main recommendation; that the VCAL be integrated into the VCE has been taken up and recognised. Other key points from the Firth Report include:
The move to a single certificate will happen in stages. The first is the creation of a new vocational specialist pathway within the VCE, with the first cohort of students starting the new certificate in 2023. The next stage will create a fully integrated senior secondary certificate by 2025.