Year 9 & 10 Advisers' Reports


Year 9

As we wind down to the end of Term, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that has been.  Year 9 students should be extremely proud of how they have conducted themselves this year. There have been many ups and downs and a lot of uncertainty but they have made a fantastic effort in applying themselves to all aspects of their schooling this year.  I am very proud of them!


Year 9 Peer Mentors for 2021 participated in the Year 7 Orientation Day last week and they did an incredible job representing Henry Kendall High School to our extended Gosford Learning Community.  Our students made the Year 7 2021 cohort of students feel very comfortable and welcome, demonstrating fantastic leadership and mentoring for the new students. They have all received badges to wear next year so they are easily identifiable to the Year 7 students.  Thanks must go to Mr Judd Newton for organising this initiative. 

The Peer Mentor students will be instrumental in supporting  Year 7 students during their transition to Henry Kendall High School, especially on the first few days of school. The Peer Mentors will also assist on the Year 7 Camp which will be a great opportunity for them! 

The Year 9 students and I would like to thank all teachers for their incredible support and generosity throughout the year.  Year 9 teachers have played an integral role in their wellbeing, academic achievements and preparing Year 9 for the pressures of Year 10.

I am also wanting to share some sad news ... I will be leaving Henry Kendall High School at the end of this year to pursue a full-time PDHPE teaching role at another school.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Year 9 for being the incredible students and humans they are, it has made this job so much easier.  


It has been a fantastic year watching them grow over the past twelve months and I have thoroughly enjoyed supporting them in their schooling endeavours and facilitating any wellbeing needs. I will miss them a great deal and wish them the best for their future! 


Have a wonderful Christmas and holiday break everyone, stay safe and be kind!


My last sign off (with a few tears)  ...

Miss Tamara Sexty

Year 9 Adviser

Year 10

What an eventful and busy term and year our Year 10 students have had.  I would like to congratulate every one of them on their perseverance, resilience and the overall attitude they have displayed throughout this challenging year.

Year 10 students have had the experience of being involved in the Stage 6 Preparation Program over the past three weeks.  In the first week the students experienced the subjects they have selected for next year and see if they were the right fit for them. This was an extremely rewarding and useful experience for Year 10, which saw many of them loving their subject and got them excited for the next stage of their educational journey. 

Throughout the second and third weeks of the Prep Program students experienced various external presenters talking to them. Students learnt about study skills, wellbeing, relaxation techniques, stress management, driving, how to look out for their mates and much more. During the three weeks students have been very positive and clearly enjoyed themselves. 


From all of Year 10 I would like to take this opportunity to thank every teacher that has made this experience possible! 


The Year 10 Dinner Dance was held Monday 14 December.  The evening was a wonderful way to conclude the Stage 6 Preparation Program and celebrate Year 10’s hard work throughout their junior years. 

It has been amazing to watch the students grow and mature throughout the final year in junior school. 


Rest up and enjoy a well deserved break and, for those who will be venturing into a new and exciting journey else where, I wish you well.​



Miss Cassandra McLennan

Year 10 Adviser