Deputy Principal's Report -

     Years 7, 9 & 11

2020 has been a year like no other in our school community. Congratulations to our students, staff and families for your incredible efforts and commitment to Henry Kendall High School this year.

Congratulations Year 7 on your successful transition to high school in the most disruptive of years.  Your resilience and perseverance has really been highlighted in 2020.   Mrs Karen Hogan, Year 7 Adviser,  and I are extremely proud of your efforts, and look forward to a positive year next year.


Congratulations to Year 9.  You are evolving into a fantastic Year group and the support you have shown each other this year has been outstanding.  I look forward to working with you and your families next year.  


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge Miss Tamara Sexty for her support as Year 9 Adviser this year.  Miss Sexty is moving on to a position at another Central Coast school next year - we wish her all the best.   Miss Sexty’s replacement for 2021 will be Miss Natalie Hammond - we welcome her to the role and look forward to working with her.


2020 has seen Year 11 complete their preliminary studies and are now one quarter the way into their HSC year. Assessment schedules have been issued and are also published on the school website. Congratulations Year 11 on completing this difficult year!  I look forward to supporting all of you towards the completion of your HSC in 2021.


Henry Kendall High School values the importance of transitioning from Stage 5 into Stage 6, i.e. the transition from junior schooling to senior schooling.  This year the school again conducted the three week Stage 6 Preparation Program.  This program offered  students:

 -  programs in preparing for the HSC pathway

 -  Amazing Race excursion to Terrigal

 -  goal setting skills

 - HSIE site excursion

 - taster lessons for Year 11 subject patterns

 - lessons in stress management, first aid,    

    critical thinking, financial literacy 

 - preparation for  Year 11 subjects

Constructive evaluations from all facets of our school community will be used to improve the program in 2021. 


Thank you to parents and carers for your support of this worthwhile program. 


Congratulations to Year 10 and we look forward to working with you in your move to Stage 6.


Schools are often asked "why should students wear a uniform?".  According to many sources the advantages of wearing a school uniform include:

Uniformity  - Educators and experts who are in support of school uniforms believe that buying students uniforms contributes positively to their behaviour. For instance, it is believed that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and thus behave accordingly.

  1. Easier Mornings - When there's no debate on what a student is allowed wear to school, mornings are easier for all parties involved. Everyone knows exactly what the kids need to wear: their regulated school uniform. Instead of worrying about what outfit to put together or where that one specific top is, you know exactly what you're wearing before you get out the door. By getting rid of this modern problem, there can also be a decrease in morning arguments.
  2. Dress Code Control - Schools without a school uniform policy still have rules on what type of clothing is and is not allowed in school.  There are usually rules regarding modesty issues, visible logos, offensive text on clothing, gang colours, and symbols. With this, teachers and administrative staff must monitor students' attire.   Of course, all of this is avoided when students are in uniform. This also relieves administration of the extra responsibility and headache of tracking what everyone is wearing.
  3. An Even Playing Field - One of the most obvious arguments for school uniforms is, by having all children dressed the same, there is a decrease in bullying and teasing. In an era of status brands and high-fashion trends, clothing has become a definitive status symbol for children and teens. By balancing out the playing field with uniforms, there is less opportunity for children to be picked on or shunned for their clothes
  4. School Spirit - There is a sense of identity and community shared through school spirit.  Many experts believe that when the entire student body is dressed in uniforms, they develop a stronger team mentality. Boosting comradery when everyone is dressed alike leads to a sense of unity and belonging that many schools do not have.
  5. Simple Economics - Buying a few school uniforms, instead of a new school wardrobe, is far more economical.  School uniforms are designed to stand up to everyday wear and repeated washing, so most parents will find that they can get away with buying a few sets.  Doing one week's worth of laundry for just school clothes will simplify the process and allows your child to focus on what's more important: going to school.
  6. Weekend Style - With all the money a parent saves by not having to buy day-to-day clothes, they can choose to let their children buy a few nicer and more fashionable pieces for weekends and evenings.  Wearing a uniform five days a week might make students appreciate their weekend fashions even more so. This could also inspire them to take good care of them and appreciate their freedom and individuality outside of the school system. Many educators also theorize that students can become distracted by fashion trends and status symbol clothing. Therefore, when all students are dressed in regulated uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.


As you prepare for the school new year please be reminded we are a proud uniform school. A few considerations for 2021:

  • A uniform review was conducted in 2019 by our student-led SALSA (Students as LifeStyle Activists) team. The changes implemented during 2020 included:
     - change to tracksuit (from blue to black)
     - sport shorts in a style to suit girls
     - juniors' jumpers to be changed from 
       blue to black. 
  • At this stage the school is hoping new stock will be available from Semester 2.
  • Students will be able to wear the new black track pants every day of the school week.  Please be aware no alternate track pant will be accepted as uniform.
  • Henry Kendall High School uniform is sold through Lowes Gosford.  There is also an online order facility for parents; please contact  Lowes Gosford store for details.  Phone: 4324 7633
  • Sports shorts are to be the shorts as supplied by Lowes only.
  • All black leather-upper shoes must be worn according to WHS policy. Shoes must cover the student's entire foot.
  • Hooded jumpers are prohibited from Henry Kendall High School.  Lowes Gosford sell our school jumpers.
  • Year 11 2021 Senior jackets will be supplied very early Term 1, 2021.

Please look out for the schools e-mail/letter advising of updates to uniform requirements for 2021, and thank you for your ongoing support in this area.


Lastly, my thanks to all families for your support of our fabulous school in 2020.  We wish you all a safe and happy Christmas with your families and look forward to more health and success with our Henry Kendall High School family in 2021.


Mrs Donna James 

Deputy Pricipal

Years 7, 9 & 11