Special Education News

Social Skills in Action

A major part of the Life Skills Program for students in the Special Education Centre is the development of social skills.  While much of the learning happens incidentally, on a daily basis at Henry Kendall High School we do more formalised and targeted teaching during our Monday afternoon Home Group classes.

This year students have been involved in modelling and role play to help develop their listening and conversation skills which are valuable when meeting people and making friends.  Through discussions they have realised the importance of showing respect to others and working co-operatively. Students have taken part in activities that promote the importance of healthy lifestyle including limiting screen time and having enough exercise and sleep. Throughout the sessions students have had the opportunity to develop skills in problem solving and learn how to cope with stress by utilising relaxation techniques and selected mantras.

Recently the students have been interested to learn about brain development and changes that happen during the teenage years. Students are excited about the opportunities to optimise their own potential by making appropriate lifestyle choices. 

Home groups this term will culminate with a focus on café skills and etiquette in a specific setting. Students will learn about choosing a venue for an outing, dressing appropriately, using suitable conversation topics, ordering from a menu and be reminded of good table manners.  

A special day of training is planned for Wednesday Week 9 when our students will be immersed in a full day of social skills activities. Students will put into practice their personal hygiene and grooming skills to get ready for a special café lunch at the school coffee shop where they will be served by staff. This should be an exciting day and one well earned by students in the Special Education Centre.

Remembrance Poppies

Thank you to Mrs Nancy Axe and her friends from Gosford Uniting Church who crocheted red poppies for use in the community and donated some to Henry Kendall High School. The poppies are all beautifully made and will last for many years to come. They were worn by staff and students on Remembrance Day and ANZAC Day in 2019. This year, they were also used to decorate a wall of remembrance in the school library. Hopefully these little red flowers helped students to reflect on the courageous sacrifices made by countless individuals in wars.


Mr David Lawler

Head Teacher 

    - Special Education