English & Maths News

I would like to congratulate every member of the school’s community for not only persevering through this highly unusual year, but succeeding as well.  We have been blown away by the engagement of our students and the work  they have produced this term


OurYear 8 students have been working though a range of texts in order to build their comprehension and inference skills.  They have been engaged and challenged by different text types, and are now putting their skills into practice. The Year 7 and Year 8 Young Achievers have been working through a film study of ‘Hugo’. Year 7 students completed skilful articles on the film, while Year 8 students are currently writing insightful essays on the key themes. 


Students in Year 9 are wrapping up their study of media manipulation.  They have been refining their critical thinking skills while analysing advertising texts, as well as working out how to spot ‘fake news’.  We were very excited by the quality of their presentations on self-chosen media texts. 


Year 10 students are almost ready for their senior years. Their last task, an essay on dystopian fiction, illustrated to the Faculty that they were ready for the demands on Stage 6. They engaged diligently in their taster lessons, and are looking forward to the path ahead next year. 


We have been impressed with the dedication demonstrated by our new Year 12 cohort in the first module, Texts and Human Experiences. Studies and Standard students are currently embedded in their study of 'Rainbow’s End', and Advanced students cannot believe what went on during the Salem Witch Trials in their study of ‘The Crucible’. 


The Faculty would like to congratulate our Year 12 cohort of 2020 for their efforts throughout the year.  We wish them all the best in receiving their HSC results later this month.  The English faculty was thrilled to be part of such a special Year 12 Formal, organised by our own Miss Sasha Fitzgerald.  I would also like to extend my congratulations to Miss Fitzgerald herself.  Not only has she been an incredible Year 12 Adviser, but she has also been appointed as a permanent member of staff to our school.  She is an asset to Henry Kendall High School, and we are excited that she is now a permanent part of our  team. 



Here’s hoping for a smoother ride next year.


Mr Blake Wawrzyk

Head Teacher - English





Well, it’s been a year like no other.  We’ve all had to adapt and persevere and, whilst it hasn’t been easy, our school has still managed to make 2020 extremely productive. 

I would personally like to thank Mrs Lill, Mr Blanco, Miss Sanki, Miss Goodacre, Mrs Deaves, Miss Hammond, Miss Alexander, Mr Bellemore, Mr Debenham, Ms Muscat and all other teachers who stepped in to assist our students throughout the year. They all bring a wealth of knowledge and individual skills that allow students at Henry Kendall High School to be supported.

I would also like to acknowledge the work of our Student Services team who are a significant positive influence on the learning and wellbeing of our students.  The challenges of 2020 have required a colossal team effort from a plethora of staff and I am enormously grateful to all for their work.

Support has also been provided to our students through “Maths Club” and “Maths & Milo”. These programs have needed to operate differently in 2020 however, The Smith Family, Mrs Lill, Miss Goodacre and Mr Bellemore continued to find innovative ways to keep these valuable programs afloat.  We are incredibly thankful to The Smith Family for their continued commitment to our students and we look forward to providing these programs again in 2021.


Lastly, I would like to save my biggest thank you for our students. The mathematics faculty has been continually amazed at the resilience and problem solving ability our students demonstrate.  Whilst you may not realise it, you have been a massive support to your teachers and make overcoming challenges all worthwhile. 


I would like to wish everyone in our school community a happy holiday season. I hope that you are able to connect with your loved ones and enjoy a well-earned break. 



Mr Matt Reece

Head Teacher -     
