Aboriginal Leadership Group


Our Cooinda quilt designed and made by Anthony Henderson and given to the students in March this year
Our Cooinda quilt designed and made by Anthony Henderson and given to the students in March this year

Our year together but apart! 

A year where we had plans and aspirations, personally and culturally, that did not happen. Through any darkness comes light and hope and that came in the form of our kids being resilient and optimistic about where this year would end up. 


First and foremost our kids were supported at home with online studies and their emotional support by a group of parents who were always available for a chat and an update on how things were going at home.  We would not have got through this year without you all and I thank you for always being there for your kids and for the support you have given me personally through the bushfires and COVID.


Before we went into lockdown we were given a beautiful gift by Mr Anthony Henderson who had been working in our Support Unit and is connected with the Cooinda Room and the stories it holds. Subsequently, he decided to make a patchwork quilt with all First Nations’ designs on it. It has now become an integral part of the Cooinda Room and is used by the students when they need some time out on the lounge and a little bit of comfort as well. We thank Mr Henderson for this profound and generous gesture, it will always be loved by us.

Our Cooinda quilt designed and made by Anthony Henderson. Presented to students in March 2020.
Our Cooinda quilt designed and made by Anthony Henderson. Presented to students in March 2020.

Even though we were apart for some of the year we have been able to plan and discuss some things that we hope to put into place with the easing of restrictions.  This year we were hoping to start our community BBQs with all our schools in the zone.  We were also hoping to launch the Cooinda Junior AECG (Aboriginal Education Consultative Group) but this has been postponed until further notice. 


We did have a few visits from Walanga Muru from Macquarie University and our iBelieve workshops went ahead at the beginning of the year.  I’d like to thank both Tanisha Wallace and Daisy Labelle Kennedy-Holtz from Walanga Muru and Dominic Dates from the Wollotuka Institute at Newcastle University for their continuing support and guidance with our kids. 

Dominic Dates with Blayde Johnson, Zane Clarke, Mia Watson, Brandon Styman, Dylan Wade, Jasmine Gordon, Kadin Mitchell, Sarah Hyland, Ethan Hull and Lily Lawrence.
Dominic Dates with Blayde Johnson, Zane Clarke, Mia Watson, Brandon Styman, Dylan Wade, Jasmine Gordon, Kadin Mitchell, Sarah Hyland, Ethan Hull and Lily Lawrence.


Our Year 12's this year have had a very confusing and disruptive year but Angel Gould, Holly Miller (School Captain 2020), Elizabeth Lea-Butler and Liam Martens have all shown resilience and perseverance throughout these tough times. Holly was a true leader to our whole school community.  She supported everyone, staff and students, with her continuing optimism and leadership.  As well as her achievements in Futsal, OzTag, running, Relay for Life and her exceptional Max Potential project, Holly was awarded the 2020 Caltex Best All Rounder Award.  She was highly commended for the Dame Marie Bashir Peace Award and was one of four students in New South Wales to be recognised for fostering peace, harmony and leadership. Her achievements across all her subjects has also been another area where she has stepped up and excelled.  


Her journey in learning about her culture has seen her become a powerful advocate for her mob outside of school and as a role model to our up and coming future leaders. 


We wish Holly every success in the future and hope that she returns often to reconnect with us and our future students. 

Holly Miller 2020 School Captain
Holly Miller 2020 School Captain

We also farewelled our other Year 12 students; Angel Gould, Elizabeth Lea-Butler and Liam Martens. 


The 2020 Alan Herring Education Award was presented  to Angel Gould.  Angel was mum to lots of our students and always, always a great support to anyone in need. She is passionate about culture and even more passionate about our younger students learning about culture. Her pride in Cooinda and all we do shaped her into being an important role model to many. There wasn’t a day that went by when Angel did not bring issues and topics of interest to our kids and she never hesitated to speak out about injustices; locally and nationally.  We wish her well and will miss her very much. 

Angel Gould, wearing Angel wings with the mob! We will miss you Sis.
Angel Gould, wearing Angel wings with the mob! We will miss you Sis.

NAIDOC Day was postponed this year until November and, because of restrictions, we were limited to what we could and couldn't do. With the help of one of our teachers, Mr Alex Rozario, and many other staff members we took the day to new heights and celebrated in school. Every student spent time in the MPC (multi purpose centre) learning about art and how the song lines carry stories and map the Land. All students, participated in exercises on local languages from the Darkinjung, Awabakal and Guringai as a way of creating a deeper understanding of this beautiful land we are lucky enough to live on.  Mr Rozario ran an art competition and we had many entries that reflect a deep understanding and relationship to culture and Country. Our two equal-first winners were Ari Dunn and Annaliese Starr from Year 7 for their amazing artworks. Congratulations Ari and Annaliese; everybody loved your works.


Winners of the NAIDOC Week  

Always Was, Always Will Be’ art competition 

Students with artworks from left – Faith Drylie, Annaliese Starr, Mackenzie Whelan, Maria Galindo Borda, Ari Dunn and Alysha Mackinen
Students with artworks from left – Faith Drylie, Annaliese Starr, Mackenzie Whelan, Maria Galindo Borda, Ari Dunn and Alysha Mackinen


"Past + Present to Future+ Artist: Ari Dunn
"Past + Present to Future+ Artist: Ari Dunn
"Spirits of the Past" Artist: Annaliese Starr
"Spirits of the Past" Artist: Annaliese Starr

Thank you to the families who have supported our wonderful group of kids this year.  Every day when I hear their voices I know the future is secure in their hands and hearts.  I have watched them grow in the beautiful space of Cooinda and, in that space, their connection with each other gets stronger and stronger. It has been a place where, right in front of me while they're having a yarn, they realise they are related to each other and it reminds me of Linda Burney’s words ...


‘Within the Aboriginal community – because we’ve had such a story of separation 

and removal – if a child comes back,

 that place is found.  It’s a cultural thing.   

That place is waiting for you.’  


Merry Christmas everyone and hope to see you in the New Year.  Best wishes ...


Ms Lisa Selsby 

Cooinda Cultural Coordinator