Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

‘...For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one'.
1 John 5:7

Parish Bulletin

The Trinity

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. We proclaim the Trinity each time we say and make the Sign of the Cross. On the weekend, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We believe that the three divine persons in the one God acted together in creating the world; in redeeming humanity; and in guiding the Church and history to fulfillment.



The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and life. God reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

As educators, we endeavour to teach the mystery of the Trinity through recontextualisation. Using the analogy of an egg. Just as ONE egg has THREE different parts – the shell, the white, the yoke – ONE God has THREE different Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Similarly, we often hear the Trinity compared to an Apple. ONE apple has three different parts – the skin, the flesh, and the seed. Although these examples are tangible attempts to explain the Trinity, our God still remains a mystery upon which our faith relies.

Confirmation Ceremony

Sunday 19th June at 2.00pm 

Venue: St Peter’s College Hall West Campus


Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal

The Mini Vinnies are leading this year's St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Historically, leading up to the Feast of the Sacred Heart, we collect non perishable food items, however this year, the team thought it would be a good idea to promote something different leading up to the feast day.


This year we invite our school community to donate items such as blankets, quilts, sleeping bags, gloves, scarves and winter socks and clothes so that we can pass them on to the St Vincent de Paul Society for those doing it tough this winter. The society prides itself on providing a hand up, not a hand out. Recognising people's need to be heard is critical to the success of the St Vincent de Paul and our efforts play an enormous part in ensuring this endeavour is achieved.


Please support this great cause and send any items to school as soon as possible and the Mini Vinnies will play their part in collecting and storing these items until the end of the term.


Be nurtured and grow.


Michelle Hinds

Religious Education Leader