BMGS Community Notice - Icebreakers Evening

2022 Icebreakers Evening

School parents, in particular parents of students who have joined the School community since February 2021, are warmly invited to join Mr Coote (Acting Headmaster) Mr Laffin (Head of Senior School), Mrs Newton (Head of Junior School) and Mr Mick Magill (Chair, P&F Association) at our 2022 Icebreakers Evening.


This event is an opportunity for new parents to meet current parents, members of the School's Leadership team, and members of the Parents' and Friends' Association Executive Committee, in a relaxed and social setting.


The event will be held on Friday, 22nd July (Week 1, Term 3) at Coorah (Senior School, adjacent to central roundabout) from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.  Drinks and canapés will be served.  Please note that crèche facilities will not be available on the night.


Bookings for the event are via this TryBooking link.  There is no cost for the evening, however, please ensure that you record any special dietary requirements.


If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact me.


We look forward to your company!


Miss Anne Cranna
