Middle School News
Year 7 & Year 8
Middle School News
Year 7 & Year 8
On the final day of Semester One, the Year 7 and 8 students and teachers gathered in the Covered Assembly Space to recognise the challenges and achievements of Term Two. The Middle School Assembly was run by the PCG Representatives and MC'd by Jazmine McKeown (who spoke wonderfully) and included Yazdan Omid, Sean Mulligan, Torah Walton and Tahlia Patten, who showed why they are leaders in their year groups.
It was also a great opportunity for Mr Giancono to remind our students about our College culture and the expectations at Salvado Catholic College as well as our plans for the remainder of 2022. Mr G spoke about the story of Dom Salvado, which reflected well upon our Dom the Benedictine Monk Awards, that are awarded to students who show the Spirit of Jesus in helping others. The Middle School winners of the Spirit of Jesus Award included Thomas Erskine, Damien Williamson and William Hall.
We also acknowledged each year group's top 10% and the highest number of Merit recipients in Years 7 and 8; these students have been invited to a pizza lunch to recognise their efforts in doing their best throughout Term Two.
It was wonderful to introduce the Certificate of Endeavour, which recognised the students who did an amazing job of receiving a majority of Outstanding or Very Good for their attributes across all their subjects in the Semester One Report. We are so impressed by this large number of students who gave their best all semester, not necessarily achieving A grades, but being respectful to others, doing what was expected of them by teachers and trying their best in their subjects to learn and engage in activities in the classroom.
At our Year group Assemblies on the first day of Term Three, Mr Colin Loh (Year 7 Coordinator) and Mr Wade Old (Year 8 Coordinator) spoke to their respective year groups. It was great to hear their message to our students to help them understand the College expectations and why we have them, and also to challenge our young people to do their best.
I hope all our students and teachers had a safe and restful holiday and returned to school refreshed for an engaging Term Three.
Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews
During Week Two, all Middle School teachers will conduct parent/student/teacher
interviews. Year 7 interviews will be held on Monday 25 July and Year 8 interviews will be
held on Thursday 28 July.
We will again utilise the School Interviews Online booking system for scheduling these
interviews. This simple process enables families to see bookings made and view teacher
availability in a timely way. The instructions for accessing this system have been emailed to all parents.
Interviews are strictly 6 minutes only, and the smooth running of our parent/student/teacher interviews relies on all parents/carers keeping to the timetable. Please consider other parents/carers and end your interview on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate phone call or email.
Students are required to be present at the interview with you and must wear their College uniform. Masks are encouraged.
Brendan McGrath
Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)