From the Principal's Desk

Welcome Back to Term 3...


Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome back to Term 3 everyone! It is wonderful to welcome our students and families back to Salvado Catholic College after the break. We also welcome some new students to the College (Deng in Kindergarten, Aishdeep in Pre-Primary, and George and Krystal in Year 8) and welcome back Miss Arfuso from Long Service Leave in Term 2. Our staff have had a very well deserved break and are all energised and ready for Term 3 and all that is planned. 


We are having a great week celebrating NAIDOC Week at Salvado Catholic College and learning all about Aboriginal language and culture. We will be celebrating a Mass with Year 3 to Year 8 students on Thursday morning with Deacon Patrick at 11:00am, and a Liturgy with Kindergarten to Year 2 students on Friday morning at 8:45am. A huge Yanga (thank you) to our Aboriginal and Multicultural Staff Team for their planning of the week.


Feel free at any stage to make contact with your child/ren’s teacher if you have any concerns or celebrations you wish to share with them in regards to your child/ren's learning. We continue to promote our Home/School partnership at Salvado Catholic College and value the two-way communication. If you are ever concerned about anything your child comes home and mentions, please do not hesitate to make contact with the College via the class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team, depending on the circumstances. Our Year 7 and Year 8 students and families are having Parent/Teacher/Student interviews next week. The Middle School teachers are looking forward to discussing student goals for Semester 2 with the students and their parents/carers.


Please keep in your prayers our Year 4 students and other Catholic students at SCC, and those in the Parish, who are preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this term. There are Commitment Masses this weekend at St Francis Xavier Church.


Wishing our Primary Interschool Cross Country Team all the best next Thursday as they compete in the Interschool Cross Country competition against other Catholic schools.

Our Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students are looking forward to commencing 'Make-a-Move, and our Year 1 to Year 6 students are looking forward to commencing EduDance this week! Our Year 7 and Year 8 students are now preparing for their Athletics field and track events coming up in Week 4.


From Monday 1 August to Wednesday 3 August, we look forward to welcoming a panel from Catholic Education WA to the College. The Panel will be completing the College’s Quality Catholic Education School Review (QCESR) over the three days. Their visit will provide them the opportunity to affirm, challenge and report on both the improvement journey at the College and the Principal’s leadership under the four elements of Quality Catholic Education.


All our students have made a great start to Term 3 and we look forward to lots happening in the coming weeks. Keep up with what is happening via our Calendar on our website and in our eNewsletters.


Our very own Chloe Collard was nominated by Mrs Pitman on behalf of all of us at Salvado Catholic College for the 2022 NATSICC Service to Community Award – Young Adult.


Congratulations Chloe on being awarded the winner of the Young Adult Category. A very worthwhile winner as well! Thanks for being a part of our SCC Team and all that you do!



Created by our Year 7 Students in 2021
Created by our Year 7 Students in 2021


Salvado Catholic College wish to acknowledge the Whadjuk people, the Traditional 

Owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.



Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono
