Principal's Report

Dear Parent/Carers, staff and students,
As Term 2 draws to a close, we should reflect on some of our achievements, during what has been a very busy time. This week our Year 9 students have enjoyed City Experience, while year 10 students have engaged in our work experience program, last week our Year 8 students have enjoyed a fantastic camping experience at Mill Valley Ranch. Recently, all Years 10-12 students participated in the Semester 1 exams program, while earlier in the term Year 7 students participated in our Learn to Swim Program. This term we saw, the Model United Nations program to Monash University, Morrisby Program for Year 9 students, Student Attitudes to School survey, NAPLAN Year 7 and 9, House Athletics, Multi-cultural assembly, Year 12 Formal, Interschool Sport, lunchtime clubs and much more!
Yesterday, I was informed that Mr Ayman Youssef has accepted an Assistant Principal position at Scoresby Secondary College commencing Term 3. Mr Youssef has supported students and staff over the past 5 years. Thank you for your dedicated service and best wishes in your new school.
Mr Barnaby Craig, is also leaving our college as he is moving to Adelaide, South Australia. Thank you for your service to our learning community and best wishes for the future.
Retirement - Crossing Supervisor
Ron is retiring after many years of service to school communities in the Hampton Park vicinity. Ron has been at his post rain, hail or shine, as a school community we take the opportunity to show our appreciation. Ron has been the crossing supervisor at Stuart Street for the last 16 years.
Ron was thanked and acknowledged by two of our students, Zahra and Fareshta who gifted Ron for his services on behalf of our school community.
Happy Campers!
I wish to mention the wonderful leadership of Ms Erin Louden (Mabo House Leader) and her team to Year 8 Mill Valley Ranch. This program was possible through a recent government initiative Positive Start, enable students to enjoy a camping experience free of charge.
City Week Experience
I also wish to mention the amazing leadership of Ms Gabi Phelan (Walton House Leader) and her team for the organisation and leading the City Week Experience for Year 9 students.
Community of Practice- Numeracy
Our college is currently engaged in a partnership with our friends at River Gum Primary School in relation to Numeracy. Recently, Ms Cath Murdoch, Ms Sue Fernando, Mr Andrew Steele and I visited a Maths class of Grade 4, 5 and 6 students. The following week the team from River Gum P.S attended our college and observed Year 7 students at work with their Maths. By working together, we hope to learn from each other and thereby assisting with the transition of students into high school.
Year 7 (Explore) Swimming Program
The new Year 7 Swimming Program was a fantastic success this term. The students’ had a wonderful time, all while learning water safety and swimming skills at Paul Sadler Swimland. The program continues next term for the other half of the Year 7 Cohort.
Work Experience- Year 10
This week, we had over 122 students engage in Work Experience, with the remaining students to engage during semester 2. The benefits of work experience are clear. What are the benefits of work experience? | myfuture I encourage all current Year 9 students should start thinking now about what occupations they may wish to consider, next year. Thank you to Ms Kelly Krieg and our Careers Team for their work in supporting our students.
Two of our students have been selected to represent Victoria in Sport. Chantella has been selected for Under 15 Girls Volleyball. While Raiona has been selected for the Under 12 Boys Rugby. Students will travel interstate for their respective competitions. Best wishes and have fun!
Recent Staff Appointments
Congratulations to the following staff on their appointment to advertised positions at our college.
- Mr Max Eldridge has been appointed as an Assistant Principal. For the first 6 months, Max has been in an Acting position. He now becomes a permanent member of our staff.
- Welcome to Ms Lizl Tregidga . Lizl has been appointed to the advertised Leading Teacher- VCE Vocational Major & Pathways Certificate Leader position. Lizl, is currently a learning Specialist at Hallam Senior College.
- Welcome to Mr Colin Roberts. Colin is our new Facilities and Maintenance Manager. Colin is currently part of the Maintenance team at Dandenong High School.
Redemption of time during the holidays – Senior Students
As mentioned, in the last edition of the Newshamper, maintaining high levels of attendance is vital for success. It is also a requirement to satisfy the requirements of both VCE and VCAL. During the first week of the school holiday’s, some students will be required to attend the college to redeem missed class time. I wish to thank staff who are volunteering their time during the holidays to support our students and this program.
Save the date –
Wednesday 13th July- Careers and Pathway Expo.
During the first week of Term 3, all students and families are invited to our Careers Expo. This is a great opportunity to hear about University and TAFE Courses. After two years of lockdown, now is the time to take advantage of this wonderful learning opportunity!
When: Wednesday 13th July 9:30am - 4:30pm
Where: Hampton Park Secondary College, Freeman House
Students will move through Freeman House, throughout the day, visiting our long list of providers and being able to ask questions. The aim is to broaden their exposure to a variety of industries, tertiary institutions, and organisations, that will inform course counselling and subject selection, with the most important aspect being to inspire our students to reach a destination that is best suited to their interests, abilities, skills and passions.
Check out our amazing list of Careers Expo exhibitors
- Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre
- Box Hill Institute Brick & Block Careers
- Collarts
- Deakin College
- Deakin University
- Federation University
- Foresite & Arbortrim Training
- Gre8 HeadStart
- Jason Coleman's Ministry of Dance
- JMC Academy La Trobe University
- MEGT Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Monash University
- National Food Institute- RTO 3821
- Photography Studies College
- SECL Inspired By You
- SELLEN - South East Local Learning and Employment Network
- Skillinvest Ltd
- Southern Migrant & Refugee Centre
- St Kilda Football Club & Holmesglen
- Uniting Vic Tas
- Victoria Police
- Victoria University
Many Talents, one VCE. As I have mentioned, Victoria’s senior secondary education is changing. From 2023, the new VCE Vocational Major will replace Intermediate and Senior VCAL. This means the VCE will recognise different students equally. Students will have more education choices, a higher-quality curriculum and better workplace experiences- preparing students for further study, training at TAFE or work.
Information sessions about the new VCE Certificate options will run at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm for all parents and their children, where they will hear about the transition to the new certificate and senior school reform. At 6.30pm we will run an online session for senior school reform with a Q and A. Sessions will be recorded and we will put together a translated version of the presentation.
Thank you for your continuous support, as we strive to make our college, the first choice for local families.
Wishing all students, staff and families a happy and safe term break. Term 3 commences on Monday 11th July.
Wayne Haworth