Parents and Friends

Welcome to Term 3!

We hope you all had an enjoyable break and managed to stay warm.




The wonder recycling program continues 

until the end of this term. 

Please continue bringing in your (empty) bread bags and tags which will be traded in for sports equipment. 








We have so far had a fantastic response to our Cheer Toastie Truck fun lunch.

Remember to get those forms in with all details CLEARLY written and the correct money by 


As this involves an external company, no late orders will be accepted.


The fun lunch is being run in celebration of the launch of 

Protective Behaviours for Learning (PBL)


As chosen by students, families and staff our Expected Behaviours are:







The P&F continue to sell chips and popcorn each Friday at first lunch for 50 cents.

Please make sure your child has money if they are allowed to purchase.


Join our Facebook page to get lots of useful information, copies of forms and ask questions to other parents