Administration Report

School Holiday Period
The office will be closed of the two week holiday period and the Curriculum day on July 11th. We will reopen on July 12th at 8:30am. If you have any questions or concerns ofer the holiday period please do not hesitate to call and leave a voicemail, or email the school account and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
2023 Enrolment and Exits
Please make sure if you are intending on enrolling, or know someone that is intending on enrolling at Edgars Creek Secondary College that you complete the online enrolment inquiry form on our website
We are starting to plan for 2023 and it is crucial that we have accurate student numbers for this. If you are no longer planning on attending please let as know as soon as possible so we can get exit forms completed as soon as possible.
You may have noticed that you are starting to receive more regular communication via SMS and email for your child attendance. Please make sure you are familiar with the attendance section on Compass, where you can track your child data and add notes and comments about why your child is absent. You can get help with the parent guide here
It is very important that if your child is not at school that their absence is accounted for, and you are able to provide an explanation of why they are not attending school. You can also call through to the school number (03) 9134 8200 and selection option 1 to report your child absent, this will be logged on Compass as soon as practical on the day it is reported.
If you have any ongoing concerns about your child absent you can contact their Home group teacher or coordinator via compass, or contact the front office.
Please refer to the Student Collection Policy later in the newsletter for more information about what is required if you do need to collect your child from school early, this is something that should be avoided where possible.